Arctic blue polygon pattern

Finn ansatt

Ansatte med arbeidsområde Bioteknologi

Blencke, Hans-Matti

Førsteamanuensis/ mikrobiologi, bioprospektering, bioteknologi
Norges fiskerihøgskole

I am interested in determining the mechanisms of action of novel antimicrobial compounds, therefore I try to develop easy to use and reliable assays for an initial characterization. I am also interested in developing specific assays for pinpointing molecular interactions of antimicrobial compounds with their target molecules inside bacteria.

Yang, Nannan

Institutt for samfunnsmedisin
Jobber med:
Kvalitetssystem / Forskningsadministrasjon / Regelverk / Vakt og alarm / Molekylærbiologiske teknikker / PKR-metode / Proteinanalyse Forskningsinteresser:

Biospecimen quality, peptide and cancer