Arctic blue polygon pattern

Euraxess - Researchers in Motion at UiT

The HR Strategy for Researchers at UiT

UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) is a comprehensive university founded in 1968. UiT consists of 11 campuses, 10 on the mainland from Mo i Rana in the Southern part of Northern Norway to Kirkenes approximately 1200 km further North, and at Longyearbyen at Svalbard. UiT has approximately 18.000 students and 3800 employees.

2 268 full-time equivalent researchers (at all levels) are employed at UiT. 38 % hold a non-Norwegian passport. There are 46 % female full professor positions. UiT has employed 540 doctoral research fellows in total, of whom 45 % hold a non-Norwegian passport.

The success of UiT´s recognised research centers depends on international research mobility and diversity. In January 2010, UiT endorsed The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. These comprise 40 principles aiming to improve work and employment conditions for researchers and promote researcher mobility and research cooperation in Europe. 

UiT continuously works to improve recruitment procedures, working conditions and career development opportunities for researchers through our strategy and and long term plan, as well as following the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) hosted by Euraxess. For this work UiT has been awarded the right to use The HR Excellence in Research logo.

In 2023/2024 UiT has conducted an internal review and updated the action plan for 2024-2027. Please see the relevant documents for this process:

The Improved Action Plan 2024-2027

Ethical and professional aspects

Recruitment and selection (OTM-R policy and checklist)

Working conditions and Social Security (Mobility)

Training and development

Previous Action Plans

Sist endret: 10.01.2025, endret av: Mari Buck