Implement action plan for innovation and Entrepreneurship (2020-2025)
8. Dissemination, explotation of results |
Fourth quarter 2025 |
Research, Education and Communication Division |
The purpose is to facilitate priorities and activities that UiT fulfill its social mission.
The aim is to develop a support system for employees who want to commercialize their research outcome.
The existence of a support system for employees regarding innovation and entrepreneurship.
The number of patents licensed to companies and the number of new businesses established based on ideas from UiT's academic environments.
In progress |
Establish an overall approach to career and competence development.
Sub actions:
- Make career plans and performance and development reviews a part of the management system for all leadership levels.
- Further develop and promote the web site Career and expertise development at UiT.
- Present the framework for career development at the commencement of a position at UiT, and to be followed up as a part of annual performance and development reviews.
11. Evaluation/ appraisal system
28.Career development
First quarter 2026 |
Financial and Organizational Division |
The purpose is to develop, attract and attain talents.
The aim is to increase the number of researchers who have a career plan and receive performance and development reviews.
The existence of templets and guidance for career plans and performance and development reviews.
The evidence of information about career development in the recruitment process.
The share of respondents in the Charter for Researcher´s survey who report that they have a career plan and have received performance and development reviews within the last two years.
Extended |
Establish a research ethics code of conduct.
Sub actions:
- Include information about co-authorship practices.
- Express UiT’s expectations regarding ethics and research integrity in the recruitment processes.
- Publish it on the UiT research portal on internet.
2.Ethical principles
Second quarter 2026 |
Research and Education and Communication Division
Faculties/ Units
The purpose is compliance to the research ethics code of conduct.
The aim is to make it clear what it means to behave with integrity as a researcher at UiT.
The existence of a research code of conduct.
Number of respondents in the Charter for Researcher´s survey reporting that that they know of the code of conduct. |
New |
Develop a step-by-step guide for research project administration and management (project financing and application processes, support in identifying funding opportunities).
Sub actions:
- Include the structure of research data management- follow up.
- Provide the information in English.
4. Professional aspects
23. Research environment
Fourth quarter 2026 |
Financial and Organization Division
Research and education and Communication Division
Faculties/ Units
The aim is that researchers have satisfactory support to research project management.
The existence of a step-by-step guide for research project administration and management in Norwegian and English.
The share of respondents in the survey who report that they are satisfied with the access to project management support.
New |
Establish a user-friendly system for financial overviews/reports. |
6. Accountability |
First quarter 2027 |
Financial and Organization Division
Faculties/ units |
The purpose is that researchers adhere to the principles of sound, transparent and efficient financial management.
The aim is that scientific staff have easy access to financial overview of their scientific work and research projects.
The existence of a user-friendly system for direct access to financial overviews/reports.
The share of respondents in The Charter for Researcher´s survey who express satisfaction with access to financial overviews/financial reports. |
New |
Investigate and decide what information that shall be provided in English.
Sub action:
- Update the UiT web sites with vital information to scientific staff in English.
10. Non-discrimination |
Second quarter 2025 |
Financial and Organization Division
Research and Education and Communication Division
Faculties/ units
Departments |
The purpose is equal access to important information to employees.
The aim is that vital information to scientific staff is accessible in English.
The existence of vital information to scientific staff in English on UiT web sites.
The share of respondents in the Charter for Researcher´s survey who agree that vital information to scientific staff is conveyed in English on UiT web sites.
New |
Develop a system for long term planning of staff (preparatory work in the recruitment process).
Sub actions:
- Investigate and write a report about the status for planning of staff.
- Develop and implement tools for staff planning
- Train the management to perform good staff planning.
- Clarify the aims and the utilization of postdoctoral positions in project and staff planning.
12. Recruitment
21. Postdoctoral appointments |
Fourth quarter 2027 |
Financial and Organization Division
Faculties/ units
The purpose is to attract and attain talents.
The aim is to apply long term and strategic planning of staff to ensure that UiT recruit necessary expertise, and secure an open, transparent, and merit-based recruitment process.
The existence and use of tools for staff planning.
The share of respondents in the surveys agreeing/ disagreeing that vacant positions at UiT are handled in line with the OTM-R policy.
The number of recruitments to positions not exposed for competition.
The share of respondents in postdoctoral positions in the Charter for Researcher´s surveys who report that they have a mentor and a progress plan. |
New |
Develop a plan for employer branding.
Sub action:
- Highlight the overall positive aspects better in announcements, including information about career opportunities.
13. Recruitment (Code) |
First quarter 2026 |
Financial and Organization Division
Research and Education and Communication Division
The purpose is to promote UiT as an attractive employer for researchers.
The aim is to implement measures that highlights UiT as an attractive employer for researchers.
The existence of a plan for employer branding with timeline for the implementation of actions.
Share of respondents in the Charter for researcher´s survey who find that the OTM-R policy is carried out well.
Share of respondents in the Charter for Researcher´s survey who experience good working conditions- and environment at UiT. |
New |
Standardise the financial rates at UiT ans the access to grants for research travel abroad.
18. Recognition of mobility experience
29. Value of mobility
First quarter 2025 |
Financial and Organization Division
Research and Education and Communication Division
Faculties/ units
The purpose is to motivate researchers to international mobility. The aim is that the rates and access to grants for research leave abroad at UiT are equal for all researchers.
the existence of standardised rates at UiT for grants for research leave abroad.
New |
Collect and present information about grants and support for research mobility in the career and expertise development portal.
18. Recognition of mobility experience
29. Value of mobility
Second quarter 2025 |
Financial and Organization Division
Research and Education and Communication Division
Faculties/ units
The purpose is to motivate researchers to international and sectoral mobility.
The aim is to provide relevant information about financial possibilities and practical information about international and sectoral mobility.
The existence of a web site for international and sector mobility.
The share of respondents in the surveys who report that they are satisfied with the information given about the possibilities of mobility. |
New |
Develop a user-friendly online HR handbook where the information targetet to employees is conveyed in Norwegian and English.
24. Working conditions
26. Funding and salaries
29. Value of mobility
Fourth quarter 2025 |
Financial and Organization Division
Research and Education and Communication Division
The purpose is compliance to regulations regarding working condition. The aim is that all employees have easy access to information.
The existence of a user-friendly HR handbook in Norwegian and English, the share of respondents in teh Charter for Researcher´s survey who agree that essential information is easily available.
New |
Investigate and write a report about the policy and accessibility of UiT housing for inbound staff mobility. |
29. Value of mobility |
First quarter 2027 |
Department of property management
Financial and Organization Division
Research and Education and Communication Division |
The purpose is to attract and attain talents.
The aim is to have a basis for decision-making about the accessibility of housing for priority groups.
The existence of a report on the availability and demand for UiT housing.
A decision about the level of access to housing for inbound staff mobility is adopted.
The share of respondents in a survey who report to be satisfied with housing accessibility at UiT. |
New |
Increase the accessibility and amount of language courses offered to employees. |
29. Value of mobility |
Second quarter 2026 |
The university management
The department of language and culture
The purpose is effective inclusion to the working environment at UiT.
The aim is that employees from abroad have access to Norwegian language courses regardless of what campus they work at.
The total number of seats for these courses.
New |
Establish a Dual Career policy and service where the minumum service level will be to assist partners/ spouses of international researchers in job seeking and offer them Norwegian language courses. |
29. Value of mobility |
Second quarter 2026 |
Financial and Organization Division
Research and Education and Communication Division
Faculties/ units |
The purpose is to attract and retain talents.
The aim is to define the level of assistance to partner/ spouses of international researchers.
The existence of a Dual Career policy and service. |
New |
Establish an overall plan with clarified roles of responsibilities for the initiation of cross-cultural social meeting points for foreign and Norwegian employees. |
29. Value of mobility |
Fourth quarter 2025 |
Research and Education and Communication Division
Faculties/ units
Departments |
The purpose is effective inclusion to the working environment at UiT.
The aim is to initiate cross cultural social meeting points to improve the communication between people from different cultures and administrative levels at UiT.
The existence of an overall plan with clarified roles of responsibilities for the initiation of cross-cultural social meeting is established.
The number of social meeting points for researchers at UiT. |
New |