Finn ansatt
Ansatte med arbeidsområde Cellebiologi
Bioinformatikk, Data håndtering, kinomikk, metagenomikk, genomikk
Strålevern / Kjemikaliehåndtering / Laboratoriesikkerhet / Undervisning / Opplæring / Histologisk teknikk / PKR-metode / Proteinanalyse / Enzymanalyse / Molekylærbiologiske teknikker / Isotoper / Mikroskopi
Currently working in a project focusing on the application of various types of super-resolution microscopy for studying fenestrations in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells.
Research methods:
isolation of primary liver cells
cell culture
microscopy - SEM, SIM, STED, STORM, AFM, confocal fluorescent microscopy
correlative microscopy techniques
image analysis, machine learning (ImageJ/Fiji, Ilastik)
Previous projects: MSCA ITN DeLIVER