Publikasjoner fra Cristin
- MittEcho app - can feedback with the MittEcho app improve parenting (Poster)
- Presenting PIRM, An Evaluation of Interventions for Parents with Refugee Backgrounds (Poster)
- Experience with Parent Programs (Poster)
- Presentasjon av PIRM Supported Parenting Interventions for Refugees and Minority Families og De utrolige årene (DUÅ) (Lecture)
- Supported Parenting Interventions for Refugees and Minority Families - PIRM (Lecture)
- Foreldreveiledning for familier med flyktningbakgrunn. Et mulig samarbeidsprosjekt med Fjell kommune (Lecture)
- Foreldreveiledning for familier med flyktningebakgrunn. Et mulig samarbeidsprosjekt med Bydel Gamle Oslo. (Lecture)
- Foreldreveiledning for familier med flyktningbakgrunn. Et mulig samarbeidsprosjekt med Bydel Gamle Oslo (Lecture)
- Presenting an evaluation of Parenting Interventions for Families with Refugee Background - The PIRM Study (Academic lecture)
- Supported Parenting Interventions for Families with Refugee Background: Feedback from the EIY Group (Academic lecture)
- Parenting interventions families with refugee and minority backgrounds (Academic lecture)
- Using Scientific Inquiry to Assess Experiences of Refugee Families Receiving Parent Training (Lecture)
- 25 millioner til forskning på barn og unges psykiske helse (Interview)
- NOK 12.3 million to the research project “Parenting Intervention for Refugees and Ethnic Minorities” (Interview)