Spring semester 2025: The master level course INF-3910-8 GameLab is offered
Department of Computer Science, campus Tromsø, will in the spring semester 2025 offer the master level course INF-3910-8 Computer Science Seminar: GameLab.
Target group for the course is master level students at both the 2-year and 5-year master program. The course is categorized as an elective course in both these programs and can also be a specialisation for the 5-year program. Exchange students may in certain cases take the course if they have the recommended prerequisites to take it. The course is not available for bachelor students.
Associate professor André Henriksen, Department of computer science (UiT) will be responsible for the course but he also has Lars Ailo Bongo, Ernie Roby-Tomic, Anders Andersen on the team as well as potensial guest lecturers from the game industry.
Master level students must register for the exam through the Studentweb within February 1st, 2025 (normal proceedure).
Course content
The students will learn the complete cycle of game development from idea to launch by developing a game with user experience and technology good enough that it can be launched as a product.
The students will learn to develop games. The students will choose their own programming languages, game development frameworks, and other technologies in the software stack. The students are encouraged to build on state-of-the-art game engines, SDKs or services for their games.
The course will therefore cover all steps in the game development process:
- Design: Create a game design and write a design document.
- Technology: Select and reason about the correct technological choices for the designed game taking into account time, resources, technical performance and user experience constraints.
- Team: Decide roles and share tasks and responsibilities across a team based on suitable skillset and area of interest.
- Process: Agree on the software engineering process, milestones and approach to development.
- Development: Implement a complete game in the allocated time that has the required performance and that provides a usable and fun experience for the player.
- Business: Launch the game on the target platforms app store with a clear business plan for how and why the game can earn money.
Recommended prerequisites: INF-1400 Object-oriented programming, INF-2300 Computer networks and INF-2900 Software engineering
Course objectives and other course info: INF-3910-8 Computer Science Seminar: GameLab
Additional information about the course: https://uit-gamelab.github.io/Spring25/
If you have professional / technical questions you can contact associate professor André Henriksen.
Tentative lecture plan and course timeline
- Colloquiums every Tuesdays where you can work with your projects.
- GameJam Friday 24.01 to Sunday 26.01.
- One full day workshop Friday 21.03.
- Some Tuesdays will be used for lectures.
PhD-special curriculum
If considered relevant for the PhD training component this special curriculum can also be offered as a PhD special curriculum. The course code is INF-8810. The PhD students must expect an expanded scope / depth in work requirements / exam-related component(s) compared to what is the case for the master's students.
The special curriculum is also open for PhD students from other institutions than UiT. They have to apply within December 1st, 2024. Information about the Application procedure can be found here: https://uit.no/utdanning/opptaksinfo#innhold_711494
PhD students enrolled at UiT can contact the Department of Computer Science.
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Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap - master
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Akvamedisin - master
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Bioteknologi - bachelor
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Arkeologi - master
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Computer Science - master
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Geologi - bachelor
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Samfunnssikkerhet og miljø - bachelor
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Automasjon, ingeniør - bachelor (ordinær, y-vei)
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Samfunnssikkerhet - master
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Farmasi - master
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