Nasjonal konferanse
1700 | Årsmøte Forening for kjønnsforskning i Norge
1900 | Sammenkomst på Hildr med middag
0930–1130 | Pre-conference workshop med Katy Deepwell, Middlesex University | E0103
1130–1230 | Samling | lunsj
1230–1300 | Åpning og velkommen | B1005
Joiker Sara Margrethe Oskal
Prorektor Wenche Jakobsen
Senterleder Hege Kristin Andreassen
1300–1430 | Keynote I | Opposition to “gender” in academia and beyond. How ultraconservatives and right-wing populists change the rules of the game | Elżbieta Korolczuk, Södertörn University/ Universitet i Warszawa
Panelsamtale med moderator Linda Rustad
I panelet: Elżbieta Korolczuk, Malin Rönnblom og Mari Teigen
1430–1445 | Kaffe
1445–1640 | Parallellsesjoner | B1005, E0103, E0104 og E0105
ca. 1700 | Felles buss til byen og pause
1815–1915 | Foredrag og omvisning ved Silje Gaupseth, UiT | Polarmuseet, Tromsø sentrum
1930 | Felles middag | Kystens hus
0830–0900 | Kaffe
0900–1015 | Keynote II | Art in Women and Gender Studies | Katy Deepwell, Middlesex University | B1005
Panelsamtale med moderator Ann Therese Lotherington
I panelet: Katy Deepwell, Katrin Losleben og Jérémie McGowan
1015-1030 | Kaffe
1030–1150 | Parallellsesjoner | B1005, E0103, E0104 og E0105
1200–1300 | Lunsj
1300–1430 | Parallellsesjoner | B1005, E0103, E0104 og E0105
1430–1500 | Avslutning | B1005
Hele programmet for presentasjonene finner du her.
Etterpå studentsamling. Se programmet her.
Kjønnsforskning NÅ!
Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, UiT The arctic university of Norway
HSL-faculty | Rooms B1005, E0103, E0104 and E0105
November, 13th–15th, 2019
1700 | General meeting Association for Gender Research in Norway
1900 | Introductory gathering in Hildr with dinner
0930–1130 | Pre-conference workshop | Katy Deepwell: Feminist Art Manifestos | E0103
1130–1230 | Meeting | Lunch
1230–1300 | Opening and welcome | B1005
Joiker Sara Margrethe Oskal
Vice Rector Wenche Jakobsen
Head of the Centre Hege Kristin Andreassen
1300–1430 | Keynote I | Opposition to “gender” in academia and beyond. How ultraconservatives and right-wing populists change the rules of the game | Elżbieta Korolczuk, Södertörn University/ Universitet i Warszawa | B1005
Panel discussion with moderator Linda Rustad
In discussion: Elzbieta Korolchzuk, Malin Rönnblom and Mari Teigen
1430–1445 | Coffee break
1445–1640 | Parallel sessions | B1005, E0103, E0104 and E0105
ca. 1700 | Bus to the city centre and break
1815–1915 | Plenary lecture and guided tour with Silje Gaupseth, UiT | Polarmuseet
1930 | Group dinner | Kystens hus
0830–0900 | Arrival and coffee
0900–1015 | Keynote II | Art in Women and Gender Studies | Katy Deepwell, Middlesex University | B1005
Panel discussion with moderator Ann Therese Lotherington
In discussion: Katy Deepwell, Katrin Losleben and Jérémie McGowan
1015-1030 | Coffee
1030–1150 | Parallel sessions | B1005, E0103, E0104 and E0105
1200–1300 | Lunch
1300–1430 | Parallel sessions | B1005, E0103, E0104 and E0105
1430–1500 | Closing remarks | B1005
You can find the whole program for presentations here.
Students' gathering subsequent to the conference. See the program here.