WP2: Research-based learning (RBL)
WP leader: Dr. Simon Larsen
The key goal here is to develop single-day to multiweek RBL experiences in electrochemistry, photochemistry, and mechanochemistry, usually with a green chemistry perspective.

A key goal of the Center is to better prepare our students for the changing job market associated with the green transformation of the Norwegian economy. Toward that end, we hope to provide our students greatly expanded opportunities in undergraduate research in the experimental chemistry, with emphasis on exposure to a wide array of instrumentation and experimental techniques. Thus, already during the first year of the Center, we have purchased and installed (a) a Gamry potentiostat for electrochemistry experiments, (b) an ElectraSyn 2.0 set-up for preparative electrochemistry, and (c) Kessil LED lamps for photochemistry and photoredox catalysis, with plans to install ball mill for mechanochemical synthesis in the near future. The new equipment is allowing us to offer state-of-the-art research RBL experiences in green and sustainability chemistry to our bachelor and master students.