WP1: Curriculum development
WP leaders: Professors Abhik Ghosh and Jørn Hansen
Find out here about some of the innovations we are doing to our curricula in organic and inorganic chemistry; key articles, both by ourselves and by others; videos, etc.

A major goal of the Center is to develop of high-quality and innovative teaching material, including lecture notes, videos, magazine articles, textbooks and popular science books. While many projects are still in their early stages, feel free to browse through a growing list of Publications and Videos. Some of the more internationally visible projects include:
- A series of articles in American Scientist; one marking 100 years of chemistry's curly arrow has just been published, while another on the impact of Einstein's theory of relativity (in collaboration with Professor Kenneth Ruud) is in the works;
- Essays in Nature Chemistry's In your element column (check also here); our first one is has just appeared in the December 2022 issue and a second one is planned for early 2023.
- A new book in Oxford University Press's Very Short Introduction (VSI) series, with publication expected in early 2024.
It's particularly gratifying that a number of our undergraduate students are involved in a variety of exciting roles in these projects. "Lektor" student Martin A. L. Johansen, for example, is our main video producer.
Below: Fall 2022 Chemistry-1004 students Markus, Haakon and Tryggvi trying to figure out the most probable mechanism of the double decomposition reaction – AsF3 + PCl3 → AsCl3 + PF3 – a classic illustration of the hard and soft acid and base (HSAB) principle.