On this page we will announce upcoming events - stay tuned!
Past events organized by JEDI
*For employees at the Department of Geosciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, if not noted otherwise.
2024.03.15 - International Potluck. All employees at the department were invited to bring a dish, traditional or otherwise, to a potluck dinner.
2023.04.27 - Workshop: Updating the Fieldwork Code of Conduct. All employees and students at the department were invited.
2023.03.10 - Film screening + pizza: Picture a Scientist, for students at NT-fak. Sponsored by the project Jenteløft i utdanninger, UiT.
2023.02.14 - IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast: Making sense of “Diversity” in the Nordic Academia. Presentation (Melina Duarte, Dept. of Psychology) and discussion. JEDI was invited to participate in local event at the Faculty of Science and Technology (NT-fak), organized by the NordCO2 Consortium in collaboration with CAGE and the AKMA project.
2023.01.20 - Webinar: The Legacy of Colonialism in Geoscience (Assoc. Prof. Sarah Greene, University of Birmingham).
2022.04.27 and 2022.05.04 - Workshops: Developing Fieldwork Code of Conduct.
2022.03.04 - Film screening + pizza: Picture a Scientist. Sponsored by CAGE.
2021.06.11 - TED talks and discussion: Bias in the workplace. We watched and discussed 3 ways to be a better ally in the workplace | Melinda Epler and How to design gender bias out of your workplace | Sara Sanford.
2021.05.10 - Workshop: Welfare in the field (Jerika Heinze, The Fieldwork Initiative). Joining us were also Prof. Charlotte Damm (Dept. of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology), Prof. Marit Reigstad (Dept. of Arctic and Marine Biology), and Prof. Karin Andreassen (Director of CAGE). The event was organized together with the UiT Equality and Diversity Committee (Likestilling- og mangfoldsutvalget) and aimed at students and researchers at UiT who perform and manage fieldwork.
2021.04.30 - Webinar: Representation, Racism, and Barriers to Participation in the Geological Sciences in the UK (Prof. Christopher Jackson, University of Manchester).
2021.03.08 - Webinar: Power relations and the lack of gender balance in academia (Prof. Anna Wahl, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm). Joining us for a panel debate were also Assoc. Prof. Melina Duarte (Dept. of Philosophy) and prof. Kenneth Ruud (Dept. of Chemistry) from the PRESTIGE project. The event was organized together with the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE) and the UiT Equality and Diversity Committee (Likestilling- og mangfoldsutvalget).
2021.02.25 - Book discussion: A billion black Anthropocenes or none (Yusoff, 2019).
Discussion topics, monthly JEDI ECR meetings (starting November 2022)
- Consequences of the new university fees for international students in Norway
- Research in Indigenous communities
- Mental health in academia
- Gender identity and pronouns
In addition to organizing local events, we highlight JEDI-related events on social media:
- Instagram features presenting female researchers on the department's Instagram page @uitgeovitenskap in celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
- Changing the logo on the department's Instagram and Facebook pages during Pride Month to increase visibility and show support for the LGBTQI+ community.
Left: Instagram features posted by @uitgeovitenskap for International Day of Women and Girls in Science. See the highlight called #WomenInScience. Right: UiT Pride logo. Available for download here.