Organization | Contact Person | ||
Partner name, Web | Country | Title / Name |
Email |
UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | PhD Iveta Nováková | iveta.novakova@uit.no +4793959492 |
Gerosion | Iceland | PhD Jan Přikryl | jan@gerosion.com +35 47742546 |
Cracow University of Technology | Poland | PhD Michał Łach | michal.lach@pk.edu.pl +48660683241 |
GORTECH | Poland | Krzysztof Smoroń | k.smoron@diato.pl +48609417000 |
Babeș - Bolyai University | Romania | PhD Gabriel Furtos | gfurtos@yahoo.co.uk +40748274275 |
Czech Technical University in Prague | Czech Republic | Ing. Lukáš Fiala, Ph.D. | fialal@fsv.cvut.cz +420224357125 |
CHEMSTR - Šafařík | Czech Republic | Ing. Luděk Šafařík | l.safarik@chemstr.cz +420731506264 |
ReforceTech AS | Norway | Len Miller | len.Miller@reforcetech.com +4790051721 |
Funding Organization (FO) | FO Contact Person | ||
Name | Program | Name |
Email |
The Research Council of Norway | Nanotechnology Microtechnology and Advanced Materials Energy research Industry and services | Lenka Hannevold | lha@rcn.no +47 98 23 04 53 |
The Icelandic Center for Research - Rannís | The Technological Development Fund | Kolbrún Bjargmundsdóttir | kolbrun@rannis.is +354 515 5814 |
National Center for Research and Development | M‐ERA.NET 3 | Krzysztof Jabłoński | krzysztof.jablonski@ncbr.gov.pl +48 22 25 66 702 |
UEFISCDI | National Plan for Research and Innovation, 2021‐ 2026 | Cristina Cotet | cristina.cotet@uefiscdi.ro +4021 302 38 84 |
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic | National research program EPSILON | Katerina Volfova | katerina.volfova@tacr.cz +420 234 611 629 |