Updated checklist of Norwegian Mycetophilidae (Diptera), with 92% DNA barcode reference coverage

As the major result of the two NBIC projects Soppmygg i nordøstlige skogområder av Norge45-14 (artsdatabanken.no) and Soppmygg i Nord-Norge27-17 (artsdatabanken.no) The Norwegian checklist of the family Mycetophilidae was updated with two new genera and 240 new (= not previously recorded) species to Norway. Of these 118 belongs to potentially undescribed species, the majority of which in addition to morphlogical segregation are also documented with DNA barcodes and separated in distinct Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) on BOLD. Read the full paper here: nje-vol67-no2-2020-201-234-kjaerandsen.pdf (entomologi.no)

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Sist oppdatert: 15.11.2022 12:14