T. Policar,
J. Křišťan,
Helgi Thorarensen,
J. Velíšek,
J. Kolářová,
V. Stejskal
Effects of oxygen levels and temperature on growth and physiology of pikeperch juveniles cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system
Helgi Thorarensen,
Albert Kjartan Dagbjartarson Imsland,
Amber Christina Monroe
The effect of CO₂, total ammonia nitrogen and pH on growth of juvenile lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)
Safina Musa,
Christopher Mulanda Aura,
Tumi Tomasson,
Ólafur Sigurgeirsson,
Helgi Thorarensen
Impacts of Nile tilapia cage culture on water and bottom sediment quality: The ability of an eutrophic lake to absorb and dilute perturbations
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 2022
Tómas Árnason,
Heiðdís Smáradóttir,
Helgi Thorarensen,
Agnar Steinarsson
Effects of Early Thermal Environment on Growth, Age at Maturity, and Sexual Size Dimorphism in Arctic Charr
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) 2022
Christian Beuvard,
Albert Imsland,
Helgi Thorarensen
The effect of temperature on growth performance and aerobic metabolic scope in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.)
Journal of Thermal Biology 2022
Albert Imsland,
Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir,
Jón Árnason,
Arnþór Gústavsson,
Helgi Thorarensen,
Snorri Gunnarsson
Effect of rearing temperature on flesh quality in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
Aquaculture Research 2021
Guðrún Helgadóttir,
Hans Renssen,
Tom Robin Olk,
Tone Jøran Oredalen,
Laufey Haraldsdóttir,
Skúli Skúlason
Wild and Farmed Arctic Charr as a Tourism Product in an Era of Climate Change
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2021
Safina Musa,
Christopher Mulanda Aura,
Tumi Tomasson,
Ólafur Sigurgeirsson,
Helgi Thorarensen
A comparative study of the effects of pelleted and extruded feed on growth, financial revenue and nutrient loading of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) cage culture in a lacustrine environment
Journal of Applied Aquaculture 2021
David Benhaïm,
Camille A.L. Leblanc,
Khaled Horri,
Krystal Mannion,
Michael Galloway,
Alexandra Leeper
The effect of triploidy on the performance, gut microbiome and behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) raised at low temperature
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2020
David J. McKenzie,
Arjan P. Palstra,
Josep V. Planas,
Simon MacKenzie,
Marie-Laure Bégout,
Helgi Thor Thorarensen
Aerobic swimming in intensive finfish aquaculture: applications for production, mitigation and selection
Reviews in Aquaculture 2020
Nathan Young,
Camilla Brattland,
Celeste Digiovanni,
Bjørn Hersoug,
Jahn Petter Johnsen,
Kine Mari Karlsen
Limitations to growth: Social-ecological challenges to aquaculture development in five wealthy nations
Tom Robin Olk,
Henrik Jeuthe,
Helgi Thor Thorarensen,
Jens Wollebæk,
Espen Lydersen
Brood-stock management and early hatchery rearing of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus))
Albert Imsland,
Snorri Gunnarsson,
Helgi Thorarensen
Impact of environmental factors on the growth and maturation of farmed Arctic charr
Reviews in Aquaculture 2019