Ingrid Marie Bruvold,
Agneta Hansen,
Arve Lynghammar,
Hannes Höffle,
Tanja Lexau Hanebrekke,
Caroline Aas Tranang
Morphological evidence supports splitting of species in the North Atlantic Sebastes spp. complex
Mathilde Horaud,
Núria Raventós,
Kim Præbel,
Carles Galiá-Camps,
Cinta Pegueroles,
Carlos Carreras
Allochrony in Atlantic Lumpfish: Genomic and Otolith Shape Divergence Between Spring and Autumn Spawners
Pierre Lesturgie,
John S. S. Denton,
Lei Yang,
Shannon Corrigan,
Romuald Laso-Jadart,
Arve Lynghammar
Short-term evolutionary implications of an introgressed size-determining supergene in a vulnerable population
Arve Lynghammar,
Jim R. Ellis
Regional Overviews, Polar Waters
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2024
Arve Lynghammar,
Nicolas Straube,
Ole Thomas Albert
Regional Overviews, Northern Europe, Norway
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 2024
John S. S. Denton,
Jeff Kneebone,
Lei Yang,
Arve Lynghammar,
David McElroy,
Shannon Corrigan
Mitogenomic evidence of population differentiation of thorny skate, Amblyraja radiata, in the North Atlantic
Journal of Fish Biology 2024
Tore Seternes,
Trygve T Poppe,
Jarl Bøgwald,
Arve Lynghammar,
Roy Ambli Dalmo
Anatomical distribution of scavenger endothelial cells in bony fishes (Osteichthyes)
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2023
Amy Garbett,
Sophie L. Loca,
Thomas Barreau,
Manuel Biscoito,
Caroline Bradley,
Joe Breen
A holistic and comprehensive data approach validates the distribution of the critically endangered flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius)
Journal of Fish Biology 2023
Oleg V. Karamushko,
Arve Lynghammar,
Jørgen Schou Christiansen
Ice cod arctogadus glacialis (Peters, 1874) in northeast Greenland—A first sketch of spatial occurrence and abundance
Arve Lynghammar,
Ingvar Byrkjedal,
Berit Margrete Bugjerde,
Rupert Wienerroither
Approaching the Arctic: the occurrence of Parin’s spinyfin Diretmichthys parini (Beryciformes: Diretmidae) in the Nordic Seas
Guido di Prisco,
Nicoletta Ademollo,
Jørgen Schou Christiansen,
Daniela Coppola,
Simonetta Corsolini,
Sara Ferrando
Physiological traits of the Greenland shark Somniosus microcephalus obtained during the TUNU-Expeditions to Northeast Greenland
Cambridge University Press 2020
Julius Nielsen,
Rasmus B. Hedeholm,
Arve Lynghammar,
Leon Mendel McClusky,
Bjørn Berland,
John Fleng Steffensen
Assessing the reproductive biology of the Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus)
Adam Andrews,
Jørgen Schou Christiansen,
Shripathi Bhat,
Arve Lynghammar,
Jon-Ivar Westgaard,
Christophe Pampoulie
Boreal marine fauna from the Barents sea disperse to Arctic Northeast Greenland
Arve Lynghammar
Ikke noe snikk-snakk, Bjellands hermetikk takk?
Arve Lynghammar,
Haakon Hop,
Kim Præbel
Fish fauna in a pan-Arctic scenario of declining sea ice
Orkana Forlag 2024
Brittany Finucci,
Arve Lynghammar,
Ryan Charles
Dipturus nidarosiensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Charlotte Amannt,
Arve Lynghammar
Maturation patterns and genetic diversity of the spinytail skate Bathyraja spinicauda
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2024
Malou Platou Johansen,
Arve Lynghammar
Status and spatial patterns of demersal marine fish communities in Northeast Greenland in the period 2002 – 2022
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2024
Aleksander Nordengen Brevig,
Arve Lynghammar
Oppdaget fiskeart i Norge for første gang: – Hva i helsike har vi fått her?
Arve Lynghammar
Cruiseskip i kø ved Nordøst-Grønland – hva nå? 2023
Iselin Walther,
Arve Lynghammar
Genetic diversity and differentiation of velvet belly lanternshark (Etmopterus spinax) in the Northeast Atlantic
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Fransisco Suarez,
Arve Lynghammar
Identifying the genetic population structure knowledge gaps hindering an improved management of the spurdog (Squalus acanthias) stock in the Northeast Atlantic: a systematic review
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Stian Kleiven,
Arve Lynghammar
Unexpected feeding behaviour inferred by DNA metabarcoding of Barents Sea skates
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Arve Lynghammar,
Roy Ambli Dalmo,
Kim Præbel,
Sunniva Katharina Thode
Å kjenne lusa på gangen
Rupert Wienerroither,
Trygve H. Hesthagen,
Otte Bjelland,
Ingvar Byrkjedal,
Peder Fiske,
Arve Lynghammar
Fisker (Myxini, Petromyzontiformes, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes). Norsk rødliste for arter 2021
Pierre Cresson,
Samuel P. Iglésias,
Klara Jakobsdottir,
Arve Lynghammar
Updating the records of Diretmichthys parini in the North East Atlantic: limited effect of temperature and potential role of social media
Arve Lynghammar,
Julius Nielsen
Gamle data giver ny viden om gammel haj
Aktuel Naturvidenskab 23. februar 2021
Robin Andersen,
Arve Lynghammar
Mange i Tromsø har lurt på hva dette er - her er svaret
Rebeca López Climent,
Arve Lynghammar
Distribution, reproductive ecology, and colouration of the Arctic skate Amblyraja hyperborea (Collett, 1879) in the North Atlantic Ocean
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Ingrid Marie Bruvold,
Arve Lynghammar,
Torild Johansen,
Hannes Höffle
Morphological variation in the redfish (Sebastes spp.) complex in Norwegian waters
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Arve Lynghammar
Å vende masterstudenter mot hverandre – for alles beste?
Arve Lynghammar,
Kim Præbel,
Sunniva Katharina Thode
De som jobber backstage i forskningen
Skjelvik Sondre,
Arve Lynghammar
Fikk mystisk fisk i trålen – viste seg å være ekstremt sjelden
Elin Tollevik Garvik,
Arve Lynghammar
Yrkesintervju fiskeforsker
Torkil Stoltz,
Arve Lynghammar
Denne fisken dukket opp utenfor Tromsø – langt unna der den hører hjemme
Arve Lynghammar,
Julius Nielsen
Gamle data gir ny kunnskap om gammel (hå)kjerring
Kunnskapsmagasinet Labyrint 12. oktober 2020
Arve Lynghammar,
Simeon Jonatan Mikalsen
Addressing the aquatic vertebrate community of Vågsfjorden 2019 with the use of Environmental DNA
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Arve Lynghammar
Mesopelagisk fisk – ei gullgruve for framtida eller ein gyllen draum?
Arve Lynghammar,
Hanna Fylling Ellingseter
Du er mer fisk enn du tror! La deg overbevise av fiskeforsker Arve
Arve Lynghammar
Torskedissekering, demonstrasjon
Arve Lynghammar
Torskedisseksjon i NFH-bygget
Arve Lynghammar
Demonstrasjon av fisk for barnehage
Claudia Junge,
Marlen Knutsen Myrlund,
Rupert Wienerroither,
Otte Bjelland,
Arve Lynghammar,
Lars Jakobsen
Mission (im)possible: identifying skate species accurrately, fast, easy and untrained, is that possible?
Catherine W. Mecklenburg,
Arve Lynghammar,
Edda Johannesen,
Ingvar Byrkjedal,
Jørgen Schou Christiansen,
Andrey V. Dolgov
Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region, Vol 1 & 2
Arve Lynghammar
Bifangst – fiskeartene i skyggen av rampelyset
Arve Lynghammar
Artige fisker i Arktis – hvordan vil fremtiden arte seg?
Arve Lynghammar
Hvordan ser en torsk ut?
Arve Lynghammar
Fotografi av lodde, tiskjegg og paddeulke
Fokus UiT, fotografier fra UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Hanna Forsberg,
Arve Lynghammar,
Jørgen Schou Christiansen,
Claudia Junge
Morphological description of egg capsules of skates (Rajiformes) and potential nursery grounds in the Barents Sea
Frida Elise Brembo-Egilsrud,
Arve Lynghammar
Har fått svar på hvilken fisk som bet på kroken i Sør-Skjomen