Lærere - Teachers
Alle lærerne på kurset er ansatte ved Musikkonservatoriet, UiT Norges arktiske universitet.
The course teachers are all professors at the Conservatory of Music, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Lars Asbjørnsen, fløyte/flute
Lars Asbjørnsen er født i Trondheim. Han fikk sin musikalske utdannelse ved Østlandets Musikkonservatorium og ved „Folkwanghochschule“ i Essen. Han har også vært fransk statsstipendiat i Paris. Etter studiene ble han først ansatt som solofløytist i „Philharmonisches Orchester Ulm“, siden som solofløytist i „Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest“ i Amsterdam. Han har også vikariert som alternerende solofløytist i Oslo Filharmoniske Orkester. Siden 1990 har Lars Asbjørnsen foretatt konsertreiser i hele Europa, USA og Japan som kammermusiker og solist med orkester. Lars Asbjørnsen har undervist ved „Wiesbadener Musikakademie“ og Universitetet i Agder og er fra januar 2020 professor for fløyte ved UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet, Musikkonservatoriet.
A native of Trondheim, Lars Asbjørnsen received his musical education at "Østlandets Musikkonservatorium" in Oslo, the "Folkwanghochschule" in Essen and in Paris on a scholarship from the French government. He was subsequently engaged as principal flutist with the Philharmonic Orchestra of Ulm in Germany and with "Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest" in Amsterdam. He has also temporarily served as alternating principal with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. Lars Asbjørnsen has been an active soloist and chamber musician in Europe, the USA and in Japan and is presently a full professor at UiT - The Arctic University in Norway after a long tenure as a flute instructor at the Wiesbaden Academy of Music in Germany.
Anne-Lise Sollied, sang/voice
Anne-Lise Sollied, sopran med en lang karriere som lieder-, oratorie- og operasanger. Er opprinnelig fra Senja, og har siden 2005 vært bosatt i Tromsø etter vel 15 år i Italia. Hun har sin utdannelse fra Musikkonservatoriet i Tromsø, Norges Musikkhøgskole, Statens Operahøyskole og private studier i Italia (1990-2005). Anne-Lise debuterte ved Den Norske Opera i 1991 i rollen som Musetta i Puccinis La Boheme, og hennes internasjonale debut gjorde hun med samme rolle i 1993 ved Puccini Festival, Torre del Lago og Teatro La Fenice, Venezia. Hun har vært solist med en rekke orkestre i Norge og internasjonalt, og hatt roller ved en lag rekke ulike operahus. Anne-Lise Sollied ble ansatt som professor ved Musikkonservatoriet, UiT i 2008.
Anne-Lise Sollied is a soprano with an extensive professional career in opera, lieder and oratorios. A native of Senja in northern Norway, she received her training at the Music Conservatory in Tromsø, the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo, the Norwegian Opera Academy and with private lessons in Italy. She made her debut at the Norwegian National Opera in 1991 in the role of Musetta in Puccini's "La Boheme". Internationally, she made har debut in the same role at the Puccini Festival in Torre del Lago and at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice. Anne-Lise Sollied has then been invited to perform with orchestras and on opera stages in Norway and abroad. She has been a full professor at the Music Concervatory, UiT since 2008.
Sergej Osadchuk, klaver/piano
Sergej Osadchuk is a Ukrainian-Norwegian pianist. He received his training with Pavel Messner at the Moscow Music Conservatory. He was a soloist with the Moscow Philharmonic and the Moscow Radio Orchestra among others before moving to Norway in 1992. Sergej is a full professor at the Music Conservatory, UiT and performs extensively nationally and internationally as well as teaching masterclasses.
Lars Lien, saxofon/saxophone
Lars Lien was a student of Harald Bergersen at the Norwegian Academy of Music. He has been a part of Saxofon Concentus, Affinis Ensemble and Oslo Sinfonietta, and as a soloist with Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Oslo Sinfonietta, BiT-20, Arktisk Filharmoni etc. He is also the founder of the saxophone quartet NoXaS which will be releasing a new CD shortly. In his career, he has frequently cooperated with composers on new works for saxophone in different constellations and he has twice been voted "Musician of the Year" by the Norwegian Composers' Society. Lars Lien is a professor at the Music Conservatory, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway.
Miriam Helms Ålien, fiolin/violin
Miriam Helms Ålien kommer fra Alta og bor for tiden både i Berlin og Alta. Hun er utdannet ved Barrat Due Musikkinstitutt, Musikkhøgskolen i München, Kronberg Academy og Hochschule fur Musik «Hanns Eisler» i Berlin. Tross sin relativt unge alder har hun allerede vært solist med en lang rekke orkester i inn- og utland, i tillegg til å være en aktiv og dedikert kammermusiker. Hun viser et stort engasjement for musikklivet i landsdelen, blant annet ved å være initiativtaker og kunstnerisk leder for festivalen FESTIVALTA.
Miriam regnes i dag som en av de mest spennende artistene i norsk musikkliv. Huin ble ansatt som førsteamanuensis ved Musikkonservatoriet i januar 2023.
Miriam comes from Alta in the very north of Norway and is a resident of Alta and Berlin. She received her musical training at the Barratt Due Music Institute in Oslo, the Music Conservatories of München and Berlin (Hanns Eisler) and the Kronberg Academy by Frankfurt. She has been violin soloist with a number of orchestras and is considered one of the most exciting young artists in Norway. She feels a strong responsibility for the music scene in northern Norway and is the artistic director of the Alta Music festival FESTIVALTA. Miriam has been a professor at the Music Conservatory since 2023.