
GEROSION promoted our activities during the Icelandic Industrial Exhibition 2023

The GEOSUMAT project was presented at the Gerosion booth at the Icelandic Industrial Exhibition 2023 (Iðnaðarsýningin 2023:

Gerosion was hosted by the Housing and Construction Authorities of Iceland where the grantees of Askur, research and innovation fund of the Construction Industry, got a platform to showcase their innovative projects concerning circular construction. The project received considerable attention from the general public, industrial parties and government officials. Visitors to the booth included Guðni Th. Jóhannesson (President of Iceland) and Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir (Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation).

Sunna Ólafsdóttir Wallevik, CEO of GEOSUMAT, at the Gerosion booth.

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, the President of Iceland, learning about the GEOSUMAT project from Eyþór Smári Snorrason (Gerosion).