
Berlin brainstorming

Ladies of GEOSUMAT meeting met in Berlin during the 7th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure

Researchers from the field of concrete technology are lately attracted by geopolymer, innovative material with a low carbon footprint and the potential to replace concrete in the future. Geopolymer maybe not replace concrete fully but undoubtedly has the potential to replace it partly.
The concrete/geopolymer community of researchers is rather small, and therefore, it is no surprise to attend the same events with the aim of disseminating conducted scientific work. One such event was the 7th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure hosted by BAM in Berlin, where Izabela HagerKatarzyna Mróz from the Cracow University of Technology, and Iveta Novakova from The Arctic University of Norway met. All three female researchers investigated fire spalling or fire resistance of concrete at some point in their scientific careers.
Partners from the GEOSUMAT project used the opportunity to meet in person and discuss possibilities of interconnecting their knowledge of fire with geopolymers. The discussion was very fruitful, and many new ideas popped up, especially in connection to Krakow's well-designed fire testing facility. Iveta with Izabela also spent some time on preliminary planning of the GEOSUMAT project partner meeting, which is scheduled for March 2023 in Narvik.
Besides agreement on one-day public online seminar for interested researchers or companies, they also agreed on visiting local industry, particularly Reforcetech, which is a GEOSUMAT partner producing composite basalt fibers located in Oslo.
All three ladies are looking forward to the next physical meeting and, wishing for northern lights in the sky.