Guest lecture Wednesday November 13th, 2024: Assistant professor Lilika Markatou, Cyber Security Group, Delft University of Technology
We are excited to announce that assistant professor Lilika Markatou in the Cyber Security Group, Delft University of Technology, on Wednesday November 13th, 2024 will be giving a guest lecture titled Understanding the Security Limitations of Encrypted Cloud Data.
This talk is part of the course INF-3310 Advanced Computer Security but it is open to all.
The lecture will be held in person at Auditorium B203 at Realfagbygget.
Professional (academic) contact person is Associate Professor Elisavet Kozyri.
Target group: Master and PhD students and employees at CS department.
Date: Wednesday November 13th, 2024, at 11:15 - 12:00
Place: Auditorium B203 at Realfagbygget
Title: " Understanding the Security Limitations of Encrypted Cloud Data "
Lecturer: Assistant professor Lilika Markatou, Cyber Security Group, Delft University of Technology
In order to protect data in the cloud, a database should be stored in encrypted form and queries executed without prior decryption. Searchable encryption schemes are being deployed in real-world applications to achieve this objective. They balance security and performance by providing efficient algorithms that, however, leak some information about the data. This talk considers range queries on encrypted multidimensional data and explores the feasibility of reconstructing the plaintext data by exploiting the information leakage from such queries.
Lilika is working at the intersection of privacy and security, aiming to develop secure and private protocols that enable users to utilize cloud computing resources without sacrificing their privacy. Lilika earned her Ph.D. from Brown University in the USA under the supervision of Roberto Tamassia. Lilika graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2016. In 2018, she received a Master of Engineering from MIT advised by Nancy Lynch. She also holds a Master in Computer Science from Brown University. Lilika worked as an intern at Google in the US and UK, and research assistant at MIT’s Computational Reactor Physics Group, MIT’s Planetary Astronomy Laboratory, and Harvard University’s Cosmic Microwave Background group. She has also been involved in education, supervision, and volunteer work activities at Brown and MIT. Lilika’s research was presented at top security, systems, and theory venues such as ACM CCS, PETS, VLDB, ACM PODC, and SIROCCO. Lilika was awarded the Best Student Paper Award in ISC 2019 for "Full Database Reconstruction with Access and Search Pattern Leakage", the Best Paper Award in SIROCCO 2017 for "Leader Election in SINR Model with Arbitrary Power Control", and the Licklider UROP Award for her work during her Masters. She was also a Paris Kanellakis fellow at Brown University.
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