You can now nominate your candidate for the Mohn prize

The international Mohn Prize is awarded every other year. The nomination process is now open for the prize to be awarded in 2024, and the deadline for nominations is 31 July this year.

John Walsh was the winner of The Moon Prize in 2022.
John Walsh was the winner of The Moon Prize in 2022. Foto: Jørn Berger-Nyvoll/UiT
Portrettbilde av Aarskog, Karine Nigar
Aarskog, Karine Nigar Seniorrådgiver og faggruppeleder, formidling
Publisert: 20.01.23 13:35 Oppdatert: 20.01.23 13:42
Arktis Urfolk Naturvitenskap Samfunn og demokrati

The International Mohn Prize for Outstanding Research Related to the Arctic (The Mohn Prize) has been established in collaboration by Academia Borealis The Academy of Sciences and Letters of Northern Norway (NNVA), Tromsø research foundation (TFS), and UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). The prize amounts to 2 million NOK and is awarded biennially.

The Mohn Prize seeks to recognize outstanding research related to the Arctic. The award also aims at putting issues that are central to the further development of the Arctic on the national and international agenda. 

The Mohn Prize is named after Henrik Mohn, who in addition to being considered the founder of Norwegian meteorology, provided a number of Norwegian Polar expeditions (among them Fridtjof Nansen's expedition on the Fram from 1893 to 1896) with meteorological equipment. Henrik Mohn was also the first director general of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute, and he was the great uncle of Trond Mohn's father. In addition to rewarding outstanding Arctic research, the prize marks the significant contribution Trond Mohn has made to research and research promotion measures at UiT.

The deadline to nominate is 31 July. The winner will be announced in autumn 2023 and awarded in collaboration with the international conference Arctic Frontiers in 2024. Here you will find more information about the nomination process and form for nominating.

Kortnytt fra Universitetsledelsen, Seksjon for kommunikasjon
Aarskog, Karine Nigar Seniorrådgiver og faggruppeleder, formidling