Holger Pötzsch
Research groups & networks
ENCODE: Engaging Conflicts in a Digital Era (coordinator)
Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture (editor-in-chief; together with Kristine Jørgensen, UiB)
Error rendering component
Media studies: Critical and materialist approaches to digital technologies, digital & media literacies
Film studies: War films, (neo)formalist approaches
Game studies: War games, (neo)formalist approaches, games & education
Border studies: Border technologies, border culture
Memory studies: Cultural and media memories
Mass media and propaganda
Algorithmic and autonomous systems: Critical approaches
Technology in education
Full list of publications accessible here.
Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture. Editor-in-Chief (from 2022; with Kristine Jørgensen, UiB)
Spies, Thomas, Holger Pötzsch & Seyda Kurt (eds.). 2024. Spiel*Kritik – Kritische Perspektiven auf Videospiele im Kapitalismus. Bielefeld: transcript. (OA)
Krüger, Uwe, Holger Pötzsch, Florian Zollmann & Michael Schiffmann (eds.). 2023. Die Konsensfabrik [Herausgabe der Übersetzung von Edward Herman und Noam Chomskys Manufacturing Consent]. Frankfurt a.M.: Westend Wissenschaft.
Wijermars, Mariëlle, Holger Pötzsch, Annette Markham & Daria Gritsenko (eds.). 2022. Algorithmic Governance in Context. Special issue. New Media & Society 24(4).
Jørgensen, Kristine, Faltin Karlsen & Holger Pötzsch (eds.). 2021. Spillstudier. Temanummer. Norsk Medietidsskrift. 28(4). Accessible here (open access).
Hammond, Phil & Holger Pötzsch (eds.). 2019. War Game: Memory, Militarism, and the Subject of Play. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Beyer, Christian, Juliane C. Bockwoldt, Emil L. Hammar & Holger Pötzsch (eds.). 2019. Manufacturing Monsters. Special issue. Nordlit 42. Accessible here (open access).
Pötzsch, Holger & Phil Hammond (eds.). 2016. WAR/GAME. Special issue. Game Studies 16(2). Accessible here (open access).
The Military Shooter and its Discontents: Enemies in War Games. In: Chris Kempshall, Kate Cook, and Robert Houghton (eds.): The Routledge Companion to Video Games and History. London: Routledge (chapter 9). (with Zoheb Mashiur) (2025)
Algorithms at School: Digital Disruption, EdTech, and Teacher Unions. In: Gino Canella (ed.) Raising Class Consciousness: Digital Technology and the Changing Spaces of Labor Power. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (2025)
Playing in and with Ecological Crises: Ecocritical Videogames Between Attitudes and Performance Effects. G|A|M|E The Italian Journal of Game Studies 12 (2024).
Putting the Cybermedia Model into Educational Practice: Expanding the Framework. ToDiGRA: Proceedings of DiGRA Nordic 7(1). (with Tobias Staaby, Therese H. Hansen & Emil Hammar) (2024)
For PUBLISHED CHAPTERS & ARTICLES, see CRISTIN database and overview here.
Courses developed
HIF-6002: Generative språkmodeller (chatbotter) i videregående skole [Generative Language Models in Upper-Secondary Education] (10 ECTS; in-service teacher course), UiT (with Christina Lentz) (autumn 2024, more info here).
Control and Resistance in the Digital Era (9 ECTS; BA). Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaften/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (IfKW/LMU) (SS 2020 & 2022). With Kerem Schamberger (IfKW/LMU). More info here (2020) and here (2022).
Media, War, and Conflict: An introduction to key issues and debates (9ECTS; BA). Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaften/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (IfKW/LMU) (WS 2018/19). More info here.
HIF-3112: Film as Method and Data (10 credits; MA), UiT. Co-developed with Haile Seifu, Prudence Uriri, and Andreas Buch (all MediaLab HSL).
HIF-3111: Manufacturing Monsters (10 credits; MA), UiT. Co-developed with Emil Hammar, Juliane Bockwoldt, and Christian Beyer (all ISK).
MDV-3050: Teori og metode for medie- og dokumentasjonsvitenskap [Theory and Method in Media and Documentation Studies] (20 credits; MA), UiT. Syllabus and lecture plan for autumn term 2017 can be accessed here.
MDV-1003: Medier, kommunikasjon og samfunn [Media, Communication, and Society] (20 credits; BA), UiT.
HIF-3201: Image/Culture/War (10 credits; MA), UiT.
DOK-6301: Informasjonskompetanse i en digital tid [Information Literacy in a Digital Age] (10 credits), UiT.