Knowledge Integration and Blue Futures

About us

The Research Group CRAFT leads research activities integrating various disciplinary perspectives and academic/non-academic knowledge, aiming to provide science, solutions, and advice for societal, industrial, and political adaptation to complex future challenges in the marine and coastal areas. The keywords of the group are critical futures thinking, inter-/transdisciplinarity, and new technologies and competences in the Blue Sector.

Member of:

* The Norwegian Forum for Autonomous Ships (NFAS)

* The Ocean Autonomy Cluster (OAC)

* The European Social Simulation Association (ESSA)

Organisational partner:

* CRAFT/ENCODE movie series at Verdensteater Cinematek, 2023-2024, Tromsø, Norway

* Review of Social Simulation and Artificial Societies (RofASSS)

* Social Simulation Festival 2021-2024

IDEA – International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Design of Emotion Sensitive Agents at AAMAS, 2023

* ESSA Special Interest Group MOOD - Models of Human Decision

* ESSA Special Interest Group Qual2Rule - Using qualitative data to inform behavioural rules in Agent-based Modelling

* ESSA Special Interest Group SSG - Social Simulation and games

Research Group leader: Melania Borit.


melania [-dot-] borit [-at-] uit [-dot-] no
