Bilde av Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa
Bilde av Basedow, Sünnje Linnéa
Professor Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi +4777645675 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Sünnje Linnéa Basedow


Professor i biologisk oseanografi

Error rendering component


Plankton - Biophysical Interactions - Biovolume Spectrum Theories - New Technologies (Remote Sensing, Laser Optical Plankton Counter, Underwater Video Profiler, Gliders) - Calanus finmarchicus

Current projects:

SFI HARVEST (2021-2028) - Pioneering lower-trophic level fisheries with innovations to unlock the blue bioeconomic potential. Project partner. PI Sintef Ocean

STRESSOR (2019-2022) - How multiple stressors affect zooplankton and fish resources. PI.

CARDINAL (2019-2022) - Calanus redness index from artifical intelligence applications to image analysis. PI.

GONAD (2018-2022) - Recruitment of C. finmarchicus in the Norwegian Sea. WP lead. PI Akvaplan-niva.


Underviser på bachelor- og masternivå, hovedsaklig i marine kurs ved BFE fakultetet.

Jeg har undervist siden 2002 og oppnådde formell pedagogisk basekompetanse ved UiT i 2020 gjennom utarbeidelse av en pedagogisk mappe. Du kan se mitt pedagogiske portfolium her.

BIO-2010 Marine Ecology - co-pilot

BIO-3031/BIO-8031 Biophysical Interactions in Marine Environments - pilot

BIO-3015 Arctic Marine System Ecology

AB-320 Arctic Marine Zooplankton - guest lecturer at UNIS

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