The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway
The project was concluded November 2017.
The chronological perspective for the project is stretching from the late Middle Ages to the 1700s. The project is hosted by the Creating the New North (CNN) research group.
By applying such a long-range perspective, we aim to clarify the more general social changes which the Reformation entailed; and to identify which factors helped shape developments in the north, with special regard to the development of church organisation and institutions, the recruitment, professional role and living conditions of the new, Lutheran priesthood, as well as the development of relations between peoples and states in the northern regions.
- Vol III: The Protracted Reformation in the North
- November: Nordlit nr. 43: Northern Reformations
- February 4: Sigrun Høgetveit Berg på Lørdagsuniversitetet: "Reformasjonen - mest dramatisk i nord?"
- August 15-18: PRiNN on Nordisk historikarmøte 2017, Aalborg
- September 21-22: "Northern Reformations", conference in Tromsø
- "Oh my God!" Exhibition at Tromsø University Museum
- October: Ottar 4/2017
- April 12-13: Final workshop, Tromsø
- September 27: PhD-defence: Siv Rasmussen
- November: Finally - our second publication!
The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway, vol II: Towards a Protestant North
- June 03-08: Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia
- May 13: PhD-defence: Sigrun Høgetveit Berg
- May 22-25: Workshop, Paderborn, Germany
- Summer: Our first publication!
The Protracted Reformation in Northern Norway. Introductory Studies.