Gabriele Kitzmüller
Enhet: Institutt for helse- og omsorgsfag
Kitzmüller, G. (2007). Hvordan kan afasipasienters positive erfaringer i møte med helsepersonell påvirke mestring? [How can positive encounters with health care staff promote coping in patients with aphasia?]. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning [Nordic Journal of Health Research], 6(2), 42-55.
Kitzmüller, G. (2012). Long-term experiences of living with stroke in a family context. A dissertation for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor, University of Tromsø UIT, Faculty of Health Sciences, June 2012.
Included in thesis:
Kitzmüller, G., Häggström, T., & Asplund, K. (2013). Living an unfamiliar body: the Significance of the long-term influence of bodily changes on the perception of self after
stroke. Medicine, Health care & Philosophy, 16(1), 19-29.
Kitzmüller, G., Asplund, K., & Häggström, T. (2012). The long-term experience of family life after stroke. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 44(1), E1-13.
Kitzmüller, G., Häggström, T., Asplund, K., & Gilje, F. L. (2012). The existential meaning of couples' long-term experiences of living with stroke. Illness, Crisis & Loss, 20(4), 339-362.
Scientific publications after Phd:
Kitzmüller, G., Ervik, B. (2015). Female spouses’ perceptions of the sexual relationship with stroke-affected partners. Sexuality & Disability, 33(4): 499-512.
Kitzmüller, G.; Clancy, A.; Vaismoradi, M.; Wegener, C. & Bondas, T. (2018). “Trapped in an empty waiting room” – The existential human core of loneliness in old age: A meta-synthesis. Qualitative Health Research 28(2): 213-230.
Kitzmüller, G.; Asplund, K. (2018). Når livet blir snudd opp ned – familielivet etter hjerneslag sett i langsiktig perspektiv. Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning, 8(1), 6-21.
Kitzmüller, G. (2019) Håp og livsmot i sykdomsfortellinger etter hjerneslag. [Hope and life courage in illness narratives after stroke]. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning [Nordic Journal of Health Research], 15.(2): 1-16.
Kirkevold, M. Kildal L. B., Bronken, B.A., Kvigne, K. J., Martinsen, R., Hjelle, E. G. Kitzmüller, G., Mangset, M.; Angel, S., Aadal, L., Eriksen, S., Wyller T.B. & Sveen, U. (2018). "Promoting psychosocial well-being following stroke: study protocol for a randomized, controlled trial." BMC Psychol 6(1): 12.
Kitzmüller, G.; Mangset, M.; Evju, A. S.; Angel, S.; Aadal, L.; Martinsen, R.; Bronken, B. A.; Kvigne, K. J.; Bragstad, L. K.; Hjelle, E. G.; Sveen, U. & Kirkevold, M. (2019) Finding the way forward: the lived experience of people with stroke after participation in a complex psychosocial intervention. Qualitative Health Research, 29(12):1711-1724
Bragstad, L. K.; Bronken, B. A.; Sveen, U.; Hjelle, E. G.; Kitzmüller, G.; Martinsen, R.; Kvigne, K. J.; Mangset, M. & Kirkevold, M. (2019). Implementation fidelity in a complex intervention promoting psychosocial well-being following stroke: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019; 19(59).
Hjelle, E. G.; Bragstad, L. K.; Kirkevold, M.; Zucknick, M.; Bronken, B. A.; Martinsen, R.; Kvigne, K. J.; Kitzmüller, G.; Mangset, M.; Thommessen, B. & Sveen, U. (2019). Effect of a dialogue-based intervention on psychosocial well-being 6 months after stroke in Norway: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 51(8) s. 557-565.
Ivarjord, L. & Kitzmüller, G. (2019) Veiledning av sykepleiestudenter i klinisk praksis – Hva anser sykepleiere som viktig i utøvelsen av veilederrollen? [Mentoring of nursing students in clinical practice - What mentors consider important filling their role?] i Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning [Nordic Journal of Nursing Research] 9.(1) s. 6-19.
Bragstad, L. K.; Hjelle, E. G.; Zucknick, M.; Sveen, U.; Thommessen, B.; Bronken, B. A.; Martinsen, R.; Kitzmüller, G.; Mangset, M., Kvigne, K. J. Hilari, K.; Lightbody, E. & Kirkevold, M. (2020). The effects of a dialogue-based intervention to promote psychosocial well-being after stroke: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(8), 1056-1071.
Martinsen, R.; Kitzmüller, G.; Mangset, M.; Evju, A. S.; Bronken, B. A.; Kvigne, K. J.; Bragstad, L. K.; Hjelle, E. G.; Sveen, U. & Kirkevold, M. Nurses’, and occupational therapists’ experiences of conducting a home-based psychosocial intervention following stroke: a qualitative process evaluation. BMC Health Services Research, (2021) 21:791.
Mangset, M.; Kitzmüller, G.; Evju, A. S.; Angel, S.; Aadal, L.; Martinsen, R.; Bronken, B. A.; Kvigne, K. J.; Bragstad, L. K.; Hjelle, E. G.; Sveen, U.& Kirkevold, M. (2021). Perceived study-induced influence on the control group in a randomized controlled trial evaluating a complex intervention to promote psychosocial well-being after stroke: a process evaluation. Trials, (2021) 22:850.
Kitzmüller, G. 2022 Det er trøst i regnbuens farger – omgivelsens trøstende funksjon i sykepleien (vitenskapelig essay) [There is comfort in the colours of the rainbow -the comforting function of the environment in nursing care]. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning [Nordic Journal of Health Research], 18(23) Spesialutgave «Trøst» (Special issue - About comfort]
Kitzmüller, G., Gustin, L. W. & Kalhovde, AM. Filling the void- The role of adult siblings caring for a brother or sister with severe mental illness. Global Qualitative Nursing Research. 2023,10:1-15.
Kalhovde, AM. & Kitzmüller, G. (2022). Family caregivers’ trajectories of distress while caring for a person with serious mental illness. Accepted for publication in Qualitative Health Research, 2023: 1-12
Scientific articles accepted for publication:
Nygård, Clancy & Kitzmüller (2023). “Balancing on life’s ladder”: A meta-ethnography of the existential experiences of siblings of children with complex care needs”, accepted in Journal of Advanced Nursing November 2023
Bruun, M. B., Clancy, A. & Kitzmüller, G. (2022). Sykepleieres opplevelser av utfordrende atferd og voldsepisoder hos personer med demens i skjermede sykehjemsavdelinger. Accepted in Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning [Nordic Nursing Research], November 2023.
Scientific article resubmitted:
Hoeck, B., Delmar, C; Clancy, A., Glad, T., Kitzmüller, G. & Kvande, M. "The paucity of nursing theory in nursing curricula-the impact of a neoliberal approach to nursing education in Norway and Denmark” resubmitted after revision to Nursing Philosophy, June 2023.
Book chapters in scientific antologies:
Kitzmüller, G. (2009) The aphasic patient, the caregivers and the health systems in A. Bartoszko, A. & M. Vaccarella (red.) (2009) The patient: probing the boundaries: a person’s project. (e-book, published after the international multidisciplinary conference “The patient” in Salzburg, Austria 2008).
Kitzmüller, G. (2018) Pasienter og pårørendes erfaringer i møte med helsevesenet – hva kan vi lære? [Patients’ and next of kins’ experiences with the health care system – what can vi learn?] i I.J.Danielsen & J. Alteren (red) Erfaring som kunnskapskilde i profesjonspraksis [Experience as a source of knowledge in professional practice]. Oslo: Novus forlag.
Leader articles in scientific journals:
Kitzmüller, G. (2015). Medforfatterskap i vitenskapelige publikasjoner – regelverk og praksis. [Authorship in scientific publikations - rules and practice]. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning [Nordic Journal of Health Research], 10(2). doi:10.7557/14.3318
Kitzmüller, G. & Clancy, A. (2023) Leder – Trøstens betydning i helsevesenets rom. [The meaning of comfort in healthcare]. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning [Nordic Journal of Health Research], 18(23) Spesialutgave «Trøst» [Special Issue, Comfort]
Line Melbøe
Enhet: Institutt for vernepleie
Funksjonshemming, inkludering (i skole, arbeid, fritid, politikk etc.), urfolk (særskilt på samisk tematikk), Covid, rettigheter (CRPD) og interseksjonalitet.