
Stefan Bünz
Professor in Marine Geophysics
Enhet: Institutt for geovitenskap
Research interests:
Stefan has a strong background in marine geology and geophysics, specializing in areas such as fluid flow, gas hydrate systems, marine geohazards, oceanic heat flow, CO2-storage, and seafloor ecosystems. Stefan is proficient in a range of analytical and numerical techniques, including seismic imaging and other geophysical analysis. He is committed to advancing our understanding of the Earth’s oceanic systems, particularly on all aspects of gas hydrate and fluid flow in marine sediments and their role in storing and remobilizing carbon with implications for climate and seafloor ecosystems.
Stefan holds a PhD degree in marine geology and geophysics from UiT The Arctic University of Norway. He has been a professor at the Department of Geology at UiT since 2007. His research contributions are documented in over 80 peer-reviewed publications.
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen
Tromsø Geofysiske Observatorium (TGO)
Enhet: Tromsø Geofys Observator
Sol-jord vekselvirkning, ionosfærefysikk, magnetosfærefysikk, nordlys, geomagnetisme, romvær

Unni Pia Løvhaug
Professor / Romfysikk
Enhet: Institutt for fysikk og teknologi