Bilde av Peruzzi, Stefano
Bilde av Peruzzi, Stefano
Professor - Aquaculture and Fish Genetics Institutt for arktisk og marin biologi +4777646798 (+47) 92295708 Tromsø Her finner du meg

Stefano Peruzzi

Vitenskapelige arbeidsområder

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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin

Noen nyere publikasjoner:

Münevver, Oral; Colléter Julie; Bekaert Michael; Taggart John B; Palaiokostas Christos; McAndrew Brendan J; Vandeputte Marc; Chatain Bèatrice; Kuhl Heiner; Reinhardt Richard; Peruzzi Stefano; Penman David J (2017). Gene-centromere mapping in meiotic European seabass. BMC Genomics 18, 449.  doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3826-z

Peruzzi, Stefano; Hagen, Ørjan; Jobling, Malcolm. Gut morphology of diploid and triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).  (fulltekst)  Aquaculture International 2015; Volum 23 (4). ISSN 0967-6120.s 1105 - 1108.s

Evans, Melissa; Præbel, Kim; Peruzzi, Stefano; Bernatchez, Louis (2012). Parallelism in the oxygen transport system of the lake whitefish: the role of physiological divergence in ecological speciation. Molecular Ecology 21 (16): 4038 - 4050. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05682.x.

Jobling, M., Peruzzi, S. and Woods, C. (2010). The Temperate Basses (Family: Moronidae) Chapter 15. In: Finfish Aquaculture Diversification. Le Francois, Jobling, Brown and Blier (Eds.). CAB International Publishing, p. 337-360.

Jobling, M. and Peruzzi, S. (2010). Seabreams and Porgies (Family: Sparidae) Chapter 16. In: Finfish Aquaculture Diversification. Le Francois, Jobling, Brown and Blier (Eds.). CAB International Publishing, p. 361-373.


Culture of marine and freshwater fish and other organisms. Control of maturation and study of sex determination systems. Chromosomal (polyploidy, gynogenesis), environmental and hormonal manipulations. Ecology and genetics (evolution) of northern populations of freshwater fish.

Researchgate profile (personal webpage)

Current projects

WOLFHUNGER (2023 – 2025). A collaborative platform to support upscaling of spotted wolffish aquaculture. Funding: FHF Nord Norge (Arctic).

AQUADEVBUS (2023-2026). Development of aquaculture education in higher educational institutions in Kenya. Funding: EU, ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants.




Pedagogical certificates

  • University Pedagogical Competence: UPS course, UniPed Result, UiT 2005-2006
  • PhD supervision course: UniPed Result, UiT 2020-2021

Teaching and student supervision:

Current PhD candidate:

Filipe Figueiredo, Title: 'An omics approach for identifying correlates of protection for a SAV-3 vaccine in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)'. Supervisors: Roy Ambli Dalmo, Kim Pæbel, Jacques Godfroid.

 Former PhD students (current employment):

Anne Helena Kettunen, Scientist, Animal Genetics, Nofima, Ås (Norway)

Kjersti Eline Tønnesen Busch, Researcher and Co-founder, SALT (Norway)

Cecilia Campos Vargas, Production biologist, MOWI - Region Nord (Norway)

Julie Colléter, University of Montpellier 2 (France)

Recently graduated MSc students:

May 2023: Samaneh Mousavi (MSc Fish Health). Title: 'Evaluation of ozone and peracetic acid use during a Yersinia ruckeri challenge in Atlantic salmon recirculating aquaculture systems'. Supervisors: Vasco Mota (NMBU) and Stefano Peruzzi (UiT – The Arctic University of Norway).

May 2023: Erlend Vartdal Eidsvik (MSc Biology). Title: 'Microplastics accumulation in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)'. Supervisors: Vasco Mota, Velmurugu Puvanendran (Nofima), and Stefano Peruzzi.  

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