Mikołaj Hernik
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Rosa-Salva, O., Hernik, M., Fabbroni, M., Lorenzi, E., & Vallortigara, G. (in press). Naïve chicks do not prefer objects with stable body orientation, though they may prefer behavioural variability. Animal Cognition.
Wronski, C., Hernik, M., & Daum, M. M. (2022). Prior Action Direction of a Novel Agent Cues Spatial Attention in 7-Month-Old Infants. Swiss Psychology Open, 2(1): 6, 1–15. doi.org/10.5334/spo.38.
Tatone, D., Hernik, M. & Csibra, G. (2021). Facilitation of object encoding in infants by the observation of giving. Scientific Reports 11, 18305. <link>
Kampis, D., Kármán, P., Csibra, G., Southgate, V., & Hernik, M. (2021). A two-lab direct replication attempt of Southgate, Senju and Csibra (2007). Royal Society Open Science, 8, 210190. <link>
Byers-Heinlein, K., Tsui, A., Bergmann, C., Black, A.K., Brown, A., Carbajal, M.J.,… Hernik, M.,... Wermelinger, S. (2021). A multi-lab study of bilingual infants: Exploring the preference for infant-directed speech. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. doi:10.1177/2515245920974622 <link>
Byers-Heinlein, K., Tsui, R. K., van Renswoude, D., Black, A. K., Barr, R., Brown, A.,… Hernik, M.,... Singh, L. (2020). The development of gaze following in monolingual and bilingual infants: A multi-lab study. Infancy 26, 4–38. <link>
Hernik, M. (2020). Human tool cognition relies on teleology. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43, e167. [Commentary on Osiurak & Reynaud, same issue.] <link>
Miton, H., Sperber. D., & Hernik, M. (2020). A forward bias in human profile-oriented portraits. Cognitive Science 44, e12866. <link>
Altınok, N., Hernik, M., Király, I., & Gergely, G. (2020). Acquiring sub-efficient and efficient variants of novel means by integrating information from multiple social models into preschoolers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 195, 104847. <link>
The ManyBabies Consortium. (2019). Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2515245919900809. <link>
Hernik, M., & Broesch, T. (2019). Infant gaze following depends on communicative signals: An eye-tracking study of 5-to-7-month-olds in Vanuatu. Developmental Science, 22 (4), e12779. <link>
Tatone, D., Hernik, M., & Csibra, G. (2019). Minimal cues of possession transfer compel infants to ascribe the goal of giving. Open Mind, 3, 31-40. <link>
Rosa-Salva, O., Hernik, M., Broseghini, A., & Vallortigara, G. (2018). Visually-naive chicks prefer agents who move as if constrained by a bilateral body plan. Cognition, 173, 106-114. <link>
Hernik, M., & Shamsudheen, R. (2017). Learning Theories. In: B. Hopkins, E. Geangu & S. Linkenauger (eds.), The Cambridge encyclopedia of child development. Second Edition (pp. 50-60). Cambridge University Press. <link>
Csibra, G., Hernik, M., Mascaro, O., Tatone, D., & Lengyel, M. (2016). Statistical treatment of looking-time data. Developmental Psychology, 52 (4), 521. <link>
Hernik, M., & Csibra, G. (2015). Infants learn enduring functions of novel tools from action demonstrations. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 130, 176-192. <link>
Hernik, M., & Gergely, G. (2015). To what adaptive problems is human teaching a solution? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, 26-27. [Commentary on Kline, same issue.] <link>
Hernik, M., Fearon, R. P., & Csibra, G. (2014). Action anticipation in human infants reveals assumptions about anteroposterior body organization and action. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 281 (1781), 20133205. <link>
Hernik, M., & Southgate, V. (2012). Nine-months-old infants do not need to know what the agent prefers in order to reason about his goals: on the role of preference and persistence in infants' goal attribution. Developmental Science, 15 (5), 714-722. [Target article with comments and response.] <link>
Hernik, M., & Southgate, V. (2012). Theories, evidence and intuitions about infants' attributions of goals: a reply to comments by Bíró and Kuhlmeier & Robson and Luo & Choi. Developmental Science, 15 (5), 729-730. <link>
Haman, M., & Hernik, M. (2011). Can multiple bootstrapping provide means of very early conceptual development? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 34 (3), 130-131. [Commentary on Carey, same issue.] <link>
Galkowska, A., Hernik, M., & Haman, M. (2010). Preschoolers' understanding of intentions as causal action plans. In B. Bokus (ed.) Studies in the Psychology of Language and Communication (pp. 211-221). Warsaw: Matrix. <link>
Hernik, M. (2010). Stay cognitive! In T. Fuchs, HC Sattel & P. Henningsen (eds.) The Embodied Self (pp. 215-218), Stuttgart: Schattauer. [Commentary on Fuchs & De-Jaegher, same book.]
Platten, L., Hernik, M., Fonagy, P., & Fearon, P. (2010). Knowing Who Likes Who: The Early Developmental Basis of Coalition Understanding. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 569-580. <link>
Hernik, M., Fearon, P., & Fonagy, P. (2009). There must be more to developing mindreading and metacognition than passing false belief tasks. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32 (2), 147-148. [Commentary on Carruthers, same issue.] <link>
Hernik, M., & Csibra, G. (2009). Functional understanding facilitates learning about tools in human children. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 19 (1), 34-38. <link>
Hernik, M., & Gokieli, M. (2008). Does your dog know what you think? In S. Hales (ed.) What Philosophy Can Tell You About Your Dog. Chicago: Open Court.
Hernik, M. (2005). Functions, intentions and artifact concepts. In B. Bokus (ed.) Studies in the Psychology of Child Language (pp. 181-191). Warsaw: Matrix.
In Polish
Bokus, B., & Hernik, M. (2015). Pojęcie ZAMIARU z perspektywy badań nad rozwojem poznawczym [The notion of INTENTION from the cognitive development perspective]. Czasopismo Psychologiczne, 21(1).
Jacennik, B., Babiuk, A., Hernik, M., Pleciński, T., Smółka, P. (2002). Postawy wobec zagadnień ekologicznych – na przykładzie studentów dwóch uczelni warszawskich [Attitudes towards ecological problems among the students of two universities in Warsaw]. Warszawa: Międzywydziałowe Studia Ochrony Środowiska UW.
Translations of books
Frith, U. (2008). Autyzm. Wyjaśnienie tajemnicy [Autism. Explaining the Enigma (2nd edition)] (M. Hernik, G. Krajewski, Trans.). Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne. <link>
Leonard, L. (2006). SLI - Specyficzne zaburzenie rozwoju językowego. O dzieciach, które nie potrafią mówić [Children with specific language impairment] (M. Hernik, Trans.). Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne. <link>
Glock, H. J. (2002). Słownik Wittgensteinowski [A Wittgenstein Dictionary] (M. Hernik, M. Szczubiałka, Trans.). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Spacja.
Williams, B. (2000). Moralność [Morality] (M. Hernik, Trans.). Warsaw: Fundacja Aletheia.
Warburton, N. (1999). Filozofia od podstaw [Philosophy: The Basics] (M. Hernik, Trans.). Warsaw: Fundacja Aletheia.
Hanfling, O. (1997). Ayer [AJ Ayer: Analysing what we mean] (M. Hernik, Trans.). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Amber.
Translations of papers and chapters
Rice, M. (2007). Poznawcze aspekty rozwoju komunikacyjnego [Cognitive Aspects of Communicative Development ] (M. Hernik, Trans.). In B. Bokus, G. W. Shugar (Eds.). Psychologia języka dziecka. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne. <link>
Taylor, M. (2007). Rozwój poznania społecznego z perspektywy teorii umysłu [A Theory of Mind Perspective on Social Cognitive Development] (M. Hernik, Trans.). In B. Bokus, G. W. Shugar (eds.). Psychologia języka dziecka. Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne. <link>
Kozielecki, J. (2006). Reforma polskiej gospodarki: studium decyzji transgresyjnych [The Polish economic reform: Transgressive decision making] (M. Hernik, Trans.). In: E. Aranowska, M. Goszczyńska (eds.). Człowiek wobec wyzwań i dylematów współczesności. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar.
Łukasiewicz, J. (1998). O pewnym spornym problemie arystotelesowskiej sylogistyki modalnej [On a controversial issue of Aristotle's modal syllogistic] (M. Hernik, Trans.). In: J. Łukasiewicz. Logika i Metafizyka. Warsaw: Wydział Filozofii in Socjologii UW.
Infant perception and cognition
Perception of animacy and agency
Representation of goals and actions
Representation of tools and functions
Comparative cognition
Medlem i forskningsgruppe
- Hernik&Shamsudheen2017 (pdf)