Karen Oda Hjorth Dundas,
Maarten Beerepoot,
Magnus Ringholm,
Simen Sommerfelt Reine,
Radovan Bast,
Nanna Holmgaard List
Harmonic Infrared and Raman Spectra in Molecular Environments Using the Polarizable Embedding Model
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2021
Rahul Kumar Jinger,
Heike Fliegl,
Radovan Bast,
Maria Dimitrova,
Susi Lehtola,
Dage Sundholm
Spatial Contributions to Nuclear Magnetic Shieldings
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021
Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen,
Simen Sommerfelt Reine,
Olav Vahtras,
Erik Kjellgren,
Peter Reinholdt,
Karen O.H Dundas
Dalton Project: A Python platform for molecular- and electronic-structure simulations of complex systems
Trond Saue,
Radovan Bast,
Andre Severo Pereira Gomes,
Hans-Jørgen Aa. Jensen,
Luuk Visscher,
Ignacio Agustín Aucar
The DIRAC code for relativistic molecular calculations
Journal of Chemical Physics 26. mai 2020
Ole Jacob Broch,
Raymond Nepstad,
Ingrid H. Ellingsen,
Radovan Bast,
Geir Morten Skeie,
JoLynn Carroll
Simulating crude oil exposure, uptake and effects in North Atlantic Calanus finmarchicus populations
Marine Environmental Research 08. oktober 2020
Cristina A Barboza,
Radovan Bast,
Ezequiel Barboza,
Desmond MacLeod-Carey,
Ramiro Arratia-Perez
Magnetically induced current density using London atomic orbitals of dihydroindeno-[1,2-b]-fluorenes
New Journal of Chemistry 2018
Nidal Saleh,
Radovan Bast,
Nicolas Vanthuyne,
Christian Roussel,
Trond Saue,
Benoit Darquie
An oxorhenium complex bearing a chiral cyclohexane-1-olato-2-thiolato ligand: Synthesis, stereochemistry, and theoretical study of parity violation vibrational frequency shifts
JoLynn Carroll,
Frode Bendiksen Vikebø,
Daniel Howell,
Ole Jacob Broch,
Raymond Nepstad,
Starrlight Augustine
Assessing impacts of simulated oil spills on the Northeast Arctic cod fishery
Marine Pollution Bulletin 2018
Erik Donovan Hedegård,
Radovan Bast,
Jacob Kongsted,
Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen,
Hans Jørgen Aagaard Jensen
Relativistic Polarizable Embedding
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2017
Małgorzata Olejniczak,
Radovan Bast,
Andre Severo Pereira Gomes
On the calculation of second-order magnetic properties using subsystem approaches in a relativistic framework
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2017
Michal Repisky,
Stanislav Komorovsky,
Radovan Bast,
Kenneth Ruud
Relativistic Calculations of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Parameters
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2016
Roberto Di Remigio,
Radovan Bast,
Luca Frediani,
Trond Saue
Four-Component Relativistic Calculations in Solution with the Polarizable Continuum Model of Solvation: Theory, Implementation and Application to the Group 16 Dihydrides H2X (X= O, S, Se, Te, Po)
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2015
Magnus Ringholm,
Radovan Bast,
Luca Oggioni,
Ulf Egil Ekström,
Kenneth Ruud
Analytic calculations of hyper-Raman spectra from density functional theory hyperpolarizability gradients
Journal of Chemical Physics 2014
Magnus Ringholm,
Dan Johan Jonsson,
Radovan Bast,
Bin Gao,
Andreas johan Thorvaldsen,
Ulf Ekstrøm
Analytic cubic and quartic force fields using density-functional theory
Journal of Chemical Physics 2014
S Pathak,
Radovan Bast,
Kenneth Ruud
Multiconfigurational Self-Consistent Field Calculations of the Magnetically Induced Current Density Using Gauge-Including Atomic Orbitals
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2013
Malgorzata Olejniczak,
Radovan Bast,
Trond Saue,
Magdalena Pecul
A simple scheme for magnetic balance in four-component relativistic Kohn-Sham calculations of nuclear magnetic resonance shielding constants in a Gaussian basis
Journal of Chemical Physics 2012
Alexander Biebricher,
Ove Havnes,
Radovan Bast
On the necessary complexity of modeling of the Polar Mesosphere Summer Echo Overshoot Effect
Journal of Plasma Physics 2012
Kenneth Ruud,
Radovan Bast,
Bin Gao,
Andreas johan Thorvaldsen,
Ulf Egil Ekström,
Lucas Visscher
A General Toolbox for the Calculation of Higher-Order Molecular Properties Using SCF Wave Functions at the One-, Two- and Four-Component Levels of Theory
AIP Conference Proceedings 2012
Pawel Tecmer,
Radovan Bast,
Kenneth Ruud,
Lucas Visscher
Charge-Transfer Excitations in Uranyl Tetrachloride ([UO2Cl4](2-)): How Reliable are Electronic Spectra from Relativistic Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory?
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2012
Radovan Bast,
Ekstrom Ulf,
Bin Gao,
Trygve Helgaker,
Kenneth Ruud,
Andreas johan Thorvaldsen
The ab initio calculation of molecular electric, magnetic and geometric properties
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2011
Radovan Bast,
Anton Koers,
Andre Severo Pereira Gomes,
Miroslav Ilias,
Lucas Visscher,
Peter Schwerdtfeger
Analysis of parity violation in chiral molecules
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2011
Radovan Bast,
Kenneth Ruud,
Antonio Rizzo,
Trygve Helgaker
Relativistic four-component calculations of Buckingham birefringence using London atomic orbitals
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2011
R Orlando,
Radovan Bast,
Kenneth Ruud,
Ulf Egil Ekström,
M Ferrabone,
B Kirtman
The First and Second Static Electronic Hyperpolarizabilities of Zigzag Boron Nitride Nanotubes. An ab Initio Approach through the Coupled Perturbed Kohn-Sham Scheme
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011
Rodrigo Ramírez-Tagle,
Leonor Alvarado-Soto,
Ramiro Arratia-Perez,
Radovan Bast,
Luis Alvarez-Thon
Probing the aromaticity of the [(HtAc)(3)(mu(2)-H)(6)], [(HtTh)(3)(mu(2)-H)(6)],(+), and [(HtPa)(3)(mu(2)-H)(6)] clusters
Journal of Chemical Physics 2011
David Sulzer,
Małgorzata Olejniczak,
Radovan Bast,
Trond Saue
4-Component relativistic magnetically induced current density using London atomic orbitals
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2011
Benoit Darquie,
Clara Stoeffler,
Alexander Shelkovnikov,
C Daussy,
A Amy-Klein,
Christian Chardonnet
Progress Toward the First Observation of Parity Violation in Chiral Molecules by High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy
Frederic De Montigny,
Radovan Bast,
Andre Severo Pereira Gomes,
Guillaume Pilet,
Nicolas Vanthuyne,
Christian Roussel
Chiral oxorhenium(v) complexes as candidates for the experimental observation of molecular parity violation: a structural, synthetic and theoretical study
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP 2010
Ulf Ekstrøm,
Lucas Visscher,
Radovan Bast,
Andreas johan Thorvaldsen,
Kenneth Ruud
Arbitrary-Order Density Functional Response Theory from Automatic Differentiation
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2010
R Orlando,
V Lacivita,
Radovan Bast,
Kenneth Ruud
Calculation of the first static hyperpolarizability tensor of three-dimensional periodic compounds with a local basis set: A comparison of LDA, PBE, PBE0, B3LYP, and HF results
Journal of Chemical Physics 2010
Radovan Bast,
HJAA Jensen,
Trond Saue
Relativistic Adiabatic Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Using Hybrid Functionals and Noncollinear Spin Magnetization
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2009
Radovan Bast,
Trond Saue,
Johan Henriksson,
Patrick Norman
Role of noncollinear magnetization for the first-order electric-dipole hyperpolarizability at the four-component Kohn--Sham density functional theory level
Journal of Chemical Physics 2009
Radovan Bast,
Andreas johan Thorvaldsen,
Magnus Ringholm,
Kenneth Ruud
Atomic orbital-based cubic response theory for one-, two-, and four-component relativistic self-consistent field models
Chemical Physics 2009
Radovan Bast,
Kathleen Alexandra Smart
Good practices for sharing data and software in a FAIR way
Anna Endresen,
Laura Alexis Janda,
Radovan Bast,
Valentina Zhukova
The database of the Russian Constructicon
Radovan Bast,
Anna Endresen,
Laura Alexis Janda,
Marianne Cecilie Lund,
Olga Lyashevskaya,
Daria Mordashova
The Russian Constructicon
Laura Alexis Janda,
Radovan Bast,
Francis Morton Tyers
Rik morfologi og kognitive realiteter
Laura Alexis Janda,
Radovan Bast,
Francis Morton Tyers,
Svetlana Sokolova,
Mikhail Kopotev,
Ekaterina Rakhilina
SMARTool: Strategic Mastery of Russian Tool
Anna Endresen,
Radovan Bast,
Laura Alexis Janda,
Valentina Alexandrovna Zhukova,
Daria Mordashova
International Launch of the Russian Constructicon
Laura Alexis Janda,
Anna Endresen,
Radovan Bast
Lansering av Det russiske konstruktikonet
Laura Alexis Janda,
Radovan Bast
SMARTool Open Science Talk Podcast
Laura Alexis Janda,
Radovan Bast
Nå blir det lettere å lære et nytt språk
Laura Alexis Janda,
Radovan Bast
Tromsø-forskere lanserte nytt gratis verktøy for å lære språk
Kenneth Ruud,
Magnus Ringholm,
Radovan Bast,
Daniel Henrik Friese,
Bin Gao,
Dan Johan Jonsson
OpenRSP Version v.1.0.0
Laura Alexis Janda,
Radovan Bast
Nå blir det mye lettere å lære et nytt språk
Kenneth Ruud,
Magnus Ringholm,
Radovan Bast,
Daniel Henrik Friese,
Bin Gao,
Dan Johan Jonsson
OpenRSP Version v.1.0.0-alpha
Magnus Ringholm,
Radovan Bast,
Daniel Henrik Friese,
Bin Gao,
Dan Johan Jonsson,
Kenneth Ruud
Analytic high-order properties with OpenRSP
Magnus Ringholm,
Radovan Bast,
Bin Gao,
Dan Johan Jonsson,
Andreas johan Thorvaldsen,
Kenneth Ruud
The recursive open-ended response code OpenRSP
Magnus Ringholm,
Radovan Bast,
Bin Gao,
Dan Johan Jonsson,
Andreas johan Thorvaldsen,
Kenneth Ruud
A general, recursive open-ended response code: High-order SCF level properties
Adam Chamberlin,
Radovan Bast,
Kenneth Ruud
Identifying relativistic effects on (hyper)polarizabilities
Abstract of Papers of the American Chemical Society 2012