Gabriella Óturai
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Publikasjoner utenom Cristin
Peer-reviewed publications
Non-peer-reviewed publications
Conference presentations1
Ragó, A. & Óturai, G. (2014, May) The nature of domain specific category knowledge in preschoolers: an eye-tracker study. Poster presented at the VI. Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Óturai, G., Kolling, T., Rubio Hall, L., Remmers, F. & Knopf, M. (2012, June) How selective is deferred imitation? Evidence from experimental and eye tracking studies. Conference talk at the 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN.
Óturai, G., Ragó, A. (2012, January). The impact of intentional-historical information on children`s naming of artifacts. Poster presented at the 2nd Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Óturai, G., Kolling, T., Rubio, L., Remmers, F. & Knopf, M. (2011, January) Selective imitation in a deferred imitation paradigm – Can Eye Tracking provide a deeper understanding? Conference talk at the 1st Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Óturai, G., Kolling, T. & Knopf, M. (2009, August) The effects of functional relevance of action steps on 18-month-olds' deferred imitation performance. Conference talk at the 14th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Óturai, G. & Ragó, A. (2008, October) Methodical difficulties in the investigation of object knowledge (orig. in Hungarian). Conference talk at the 16th Conference of the Hungarian Foundation of Cognitive Science, Budapest, Hungary.
1Posters presented by the first author.
Invited talks to expert audiences
How selective is deferred imitation? Evidence from experimental and eye tracking studies. University of California, San Diego (Prof.Gedeon Deák), 28.6.2012
Imitation and generalization of functional vs. arbitrary target actions. University of California, Los Angeles (Prof. Scott P. Johnson), 19.6.2012
What can eye tracking tell us about imitation? University of California, Los Angeles (Prof. Scott P. Johnson), 26.10.2010
Invited talks to broader audiences
The role of functionality in infants’ perception and imitation of actions. AScI Talks, Aalto Science Institute, Aalto University, Helsinki, 23.4.2014
Distraction or decision? Why one-year-old children do not imitate arbitrary target actions (orig. in German). Interdisciplinary Colloquium at the Foundation of the Polytechnic Society, Frankfurt am Main, 22.8.2012
- sosial-kognitiv utvikling
- utvikling av hukommelse, utsatt imitasjon
- utvikling av kunnskap om gjenstander og kategorisering
- småbarns medieopplevelser
Foreleser på
- PSY-1001 Innføring i generell psykologi
- PSY-2028 Cognitive development in infancy and early childhood
- PSY-2032 Critical reading and presentation in psychology
- PSY-2502 Utviklingspsykologi i et livsløpsperspektiv
- PSY-2541 Utvikling hos barn og ungdom (0-18 år)
- PSY-2543 Praksis og praksisrelatert undervisning
Veileder på
- PSY-2002 Bacheloroppgave
- PSY-2543 Praksis og praksisrelatert undervisning
- PSY-2901 Hovedoppgave
- PSY-3000 Research Proseminar
- PSY-3900 Masteroppgave
Pedagogisk mappe: http://digitalmappe.uit.no/gabioturai/