Bilde av Bohus, Kata
Bilde av Bohus, Kata
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Kata Bohus



Ekstern forskningsfinansiering (EU), Project Establishment Support (PES), Arctic MSCA  program, UiT Priority Program for thematiske EU-prosjekter, utvikling av eksternt finansierte internasjonale samarbeidsprosjekter, kurs i High North Academy

  • Kata Bohus :
    The Opposition of the Opposition – new Jewish identities in the illegal underground public sphere in late communist Hungary
    Rutgers University Press 2022
  • Kata Bohus :
    The most anti-Zionist Zionist Communist. István Szirmai’s role in the Hungarian communist movement and his views on Zionism and the ‘Jewish Question’
    Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2022
  • Kata Bohus :
    Parallel memories? Public memorialization of the antifascist struggle and martyr memorial services in the Hungarian Jewish community during early Communism
    Central European University Press 2022
  • Kata Bohus, Elisabeth Gallas :
    Dubnow Institut Jahrbuch/Yearbook 2019 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Review of Benjamin Ginsberg, How the Jews Defeated Hitler. Exploding the Myth of Jewish Passivity in the Face of Nazism (Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Plymouth, UK: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2013)
    European Review of History 2016
  • Kata Bohus :
    Anne and Éva: two diaries, two Holocaust memories in communist Hungary
    Remembrance and Solidarity Studies in 20th Century European History 2016
  • Kata Bohus :
    Review of Jan Čulík (ed.), National Mythologies in Central European TV Series. How J.R. Won the Cold War (Brighton, Chicago, Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, 2013)
    European Review of History 2015
  • Kata Bohus :
    Not a Jewish question? The Holocaust in Hungary in the Kádár regime’s propaganda during Adolf Eichmann’s trial
    Hungarian Historical Review 2015 ARKIV
  • Kata Bohus :
    Institutionalized Confusion. The Hungarian Communist Leadership and the ‘Jewish Question’ at the beginning of the 1960s
    Judaica Olomucensia 2013
  • Kata Bohus, Stephan Stach, Peter Hallama :
    Growing in the Shadow of Antifascism. Holocaust Memory in State-Socialist Eastern Europe
    Central European University Press 2022 ARKIV
  • Kata Bohus, Atina Grossmann, Werner Hanak, Mirjam Wenzel :
    Our Courage - Jews in Europe 1945-48
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020
  • Zsófia Farkas, Kata Bohus :
    Historical Introduction in: Így történt. A holokauszt emlékezete szemtanú művészek alkotásain
  • Kata Bohus :
    War, Gender and Memory – Interdisciplinary Approaches to WWII in Hungarian History
    H-Net 13. juli 2023 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Kata Bohus :
    Jenő Lévai and Raoul Wallenberg - Memory and Politics in Hungary and Sweden
  • Kata Bohus, Dóra Pataricza :
    Hungarian Jewish Survivors in Sweden. A Study of their Experiences and Integration
  • Kata Bohus :
    Agony or Revival? The Holocaust and Central European Memory Wars Expressed Through Monuments and Counter-Monuments
  • Kata Bohus :
    Kádárizmus és zsidópolitika
    Szombat 2023
  • Kata Bohus :
    'As if we were their colony' – WWII monuments, counter-monuments and postcolonial discourse in today’s Central Europe
  • Kata Bohus :
    “The Reincarnation of Dragon Slayers”: A Transnational Study of Raoul Wallenberg’s Memory through Eyewitness Accounts
  • Kata Bohus :
    “This mystery will be hard to solve”: Hungarian Holocaust Survivors, Diplomacy, and the Transnational Aspects of Raoul Wallenberg’s Early Memory
  • Kata Bohus, Moritz Bauerfeind :
    Disappearing Monuments. The Transiency of Early Holocaust Memorial Structures
  • Kata Bohus :
    Jewish Victim or an Antifascist Hero: The Diary of Anne Frank in Hungarian Theatres and Amateur Theatre Groups during the Kádár Era
  • Kata Bohus :
    Az Eichmann-per. Magyarország és a holokauszt globális emlékezetének kezdete” [The Eichmann trial. Hungary and the beginning of global Holocaust memory]
  • Ernő Munkácsi, Kata Bohus, László Csősz, Ferenc Laczó :
    Munkácsi Ernő, Hogyan történt? Adatok és okmányok a magyar zsidóság tragédiájához [Ernő Munkácsi, How Did it Happen? Data and Documents to the Tragedy of Hungarian Jewry.] New, annotated critical edition of the original 1947 book
  • Kata Bohus :
    Only Heroes and Victims. Monuments and Counter-monuments of WWII in Central Eastern Europe.
  • Kata Bohus :
    Mártírünnepségek a háború után
    Szombat 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Kata Bohus :
    Heroes, Victims, and Comrades. Holocaust Memory and Antifascism in Communist Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    The Faceless Executioner. The Reception of the Eichmann Trial in Hungary and the Role of East German Mediation
  • Kata Bohus :
    The Eichmann Trial: Holocaust Memory in the Press and Propaganda of Socialist Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    The Eichmann Trial, Holocaust Memory and Regime Critique in Communist Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    Introduction of the Thematic Issue of The Hungarian Historical Review - opening lecture
  • Kata Bohus :
    Only Heroes and Victims. Memorializing WWII in East-Central Europe Today
  • Kata Bohus :
    Unser Mut. Juden in Europa 1945-48
    Historical exhibit 2021
  • Kata Bohus, Atina Grossmann :
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Amsterdam: The City Fighting for its Jewish Traditions
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Julia Pirotte and the Documentation of the Kielce Pogrom
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Budapest: the City of Survivors
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus, Moritz Bauerfeind :
    Die Familie Senger
    C.H. Beck 2020
  • Kata Bohus :
    Rescue Attempts. The Hungarian Jewish Museum and Jewish Cultural Heritage after 1945
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Białystok: the Dead City
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2020 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    Eva on Insta. Holocaust Remembrance 2.0
    Cultures of History Forum 31. oktober 2019 DOI
  • Kata Bohus :
    'Wounded Bodies, Unbroken Spirits' – The Activities of the JDC in Communist Hungary in the 1960s
  • Kata Bohus :
    Martyr Memorial Services and the Formation of New Jewish Identities in Early Post-War Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    Anne and Éva. Two diaries, two Holocaust memories in communist Hungary
  • Kata Bohus :
    Anne and Éva. Two diaries, two memories.
  • Kata Bohus :
    Anne and Éva. The duality of Hungarian Holocaust memory
  • Kata Bohus :
    Hungarian ethnic press in Canada and the formation of a Hungarian-Canadian-Jewish identity after the 1956 immigration wave

  • De 50 siste resultatene fra Cristin vises på siden. Se alle arbeider i Cristin her →


    Moderne europeisk jødisk historie

    Holocaust of holocaust minne

    Kommunismens historie i Øst-Europa