Arctic MSCA-PF Program
Marie Skłodowska-Curie - Postdoctoral Fellowships at UiTWhat is the Arctic MSCA-PF Program?
The Arctic MSCA-PF Program is a support program for postdoc candidates seeking funding through EU's career and mobility program Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) with UiT The Arctic University of Norway as host. Arctic MSCA-PF Program supports applicants for both European and Global Fellowships.
- European Fellowships are open to candidates from all over the world moving to or within Europe for 12-24 months. Arctic MSCA-PF Program aims to recruit and support excellent junior scientists from outside of Norway who plan to submit a proposal for a European Fellowship together with an UiT supervisor. Talented postdoc candidates are selected by UiT supervisors and invited to Tromsø for the Arctic MSCA-PF symposium in June (see detailed program under the Program Structure tab). During the symposium, the UiT supervisor and the postdoc candidate meet and take part in a workshop on how to write a successful MSCA-PF proposal. UiT has won 38 MSCA European Fellowships since the Arctic MSCA-PF program was launched in 2016.
- Global Fellowships are open to postdoc candidates from the EU (incl. Norway) moving to a country outside of Europe for 12-24 months before returning to Europe for 12 months. The Arctic MSCA-PF Program supports UiT postdoc candidates wishing to develop their career outside of Europe for 12-24 months before returning to UiT. This would typically be a candidate who has finished his/her PhD at UiT and wish to go outside of Europe for 12-24 months before returing to UiT for an additional 12 months. This offers talented UiT candidates an excellent opportunity to strengthen their CV through mobility and develop their career, before returning "home" to UiT for the last phase of the fellowship. The postdoc candidate and UiT supervisor join the program during the symposium in June.
The program covers all scientific disciplines.
Since the launch of Arctic MSCA Program in 2016 a total of 217 proposals have been sent from UiT and 50 of these offered funding. Since 2018, the success rate has been between 21% - 39%.
Find the overview of granted MSCA-PF projects here.