Steinar Thorvaldsen,
Karl Tobias Hansen,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Children and adolescents weathering the storm: Resilience in the presence of bullying victimization, harassment, and pandemic lockdown in northern Norway
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Brenda Ghazale,
Samer Siefeldeen,
Jon Håkon Schultz
Measuring promotors of school functioning: Informing school-based psychosocial support for crisis-affected students in Lebanon
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 2023
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Carly Tubbs Dolan,
Jon Håkon Schultz
Development and Psychometric Testing of the Student Learning in Emergencies Checklist (SLEC): Measuring Promotors of Academic Functioning and Wellbeing in Palestinian Youth Affected by War and Conflict
Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict 2023
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Jon Håkon Schultz
Educational and psychosocial support for conflict-affected youths: The effectiveness of a school-based intervention targeting academic underachievement
International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 2022
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
The severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bullying victimization, mental health indicators and quality of life
Jon-Håkon Schultz,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Gerlinde Harb,
Eva Alisic
Prevalence and Characteristics of Post-traumatic Nightmares in War- and Conflict-Affected Students.
Nature and Science of Sleep 2021
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Johannes Gjerstad,
Magne Flaten,
Per M. Aslaksen
Influence of catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met on fear of pain and placebo analgesia
Per M Aslaksen,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Johannes Gjerstad
The Opioid Receptor Mu 1 (OPRM1) rs1799971 and Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs4680 as genetic markers for placebo analgesia
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Monica Martinussen,
Magne Flaten
The placebo analgesic effect in healthy individuals and patients: A meta-analysis
Psychosomatic Medicine 2017
Peter Solvoll Lyby,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Ole Åsli,
Magne Arve Flaten
Induced fear reduces the effectiveness of a placebo intervention on pain
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Positive resultater for skoleprogram i Tromsø
01. november 2024
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
The Better Learning Program - Hvordan trives og fungere på skolen når man har opplevd krig og flukt?
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Eva Alisic,
Gerlinde Harb,
Safwat Diab,
Karam Al-Shanti,
Asad Ashour
Returning to learning following the ongoing war in Gaza – Supporting teachers and students in establishing new school routines and stimulating
natural recovery
Lene-Mari Potulski Rasmussen,
Ragnhild Bjørknes,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Merete Saus,
Marcela Douglas Aranibar,
Therese Bjørndal Halvorsen
Foreldreveiledning for familier med flyktningbakgrunn
Lene-Mari Potulski Rasmussen,
Geraldine Danielle Yolande Mabille,
Ida Mari Haug,
Marcela Douglas Aranibar,
Merete Saus,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Ukraniske flyktningeforeldre i Norge: Levekår, emosjonelle plager, resiliens og foreldrestress
Kjersti Bergum Kristensen,
Charlotte Reedtz,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Camilla Lauritzen,
Geraldine Danielle Yolande Mabille,
Karin Källsmyr
Effektevaluering av Barneperspektivsamtalen+
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Growing up with war and conflict: Preventing traumatic stress reactions and academic underachievement in school communities.
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Steffi Schenzle,
Marianne Grødum,
Helene Fulland,
Marit Cristine Borchgrevink,
Alexandra Hoel
Traumesensitiv opplæring for barn og unge som har opplevd krig og flukt. Kontekstualisering av Better Learning Program fra bruk i konfliktområder til norsk skolekontekst.
Pål Wessel,
Ragnhild Bjørknes,
Joshua Steven Patras,
Marcela Douglas Aranibar,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Simon-Peter Neumer
Foreldre med flyktningbakgrunn i Norge - Hvem er de og hvordan har de det?
Pål Wessel,
Ragnhild Bjørknes,
Joshua Steven Patras,
Marcela Douglas Aranibar,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Simon-Peter Neumer
Supported Parenting Interventions for Families with Refugee Background (PIRM): Effectiveness of The Incredible Years and The International Child Development Program
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Hverdagspsyken Podcast: Barn, krig, traumer og skolegang.
30. oktober 2023
Merete Saus,
Marcela Douglas Aranibar,
Lene-Mari Potulski Rasmussen,
Joshua Steven Patras,
Ragnhild Bjørknes,
Elfrid Krossbakken
Gruppeledersamling - Presentasjon av foreløpige funn
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Redd Barna har stoppet å telle døde i Gaza.
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Gazas barn fanget i marerittet: -Vil prege dem resten av livet.
24. oktober 2023
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Gerlinde Harb,
Eva Alisic,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Safwat Diab,
Karam Al-Shanti
School-based psychosocial support for children in Gaza: A research informed framework for providing support and identifying needs in the aftermath of the 2023 war. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No.7: UiT, the Arctic University
of Norway.
Merete Saus,
Marcela Douglas Aranibar,
Joshua Steven Patras,
Simon-Peter Neumer,
Ragnhild Bjørknes,
Elfrid Krossbakken
Barn i familier med flyktningbakgrunn
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Jon Håkon Schultz
5 forskningsbaserte råd for å hjelpe barn som har opplevd krig og flukt
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Psykisk helse - psykt viktig!
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Hvorfor er det viktig at tiltakene vi velger er virksomme?
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Jon-Håkon Schultz
Barna i Gaza kan få livslange traumer.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2021
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
Tøffere tider for skoleelevene - flere rapporterer om mobbing.
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Steinar Thorvaldsen
Pandemi og isolasjon har rammet de unge hardt.
Nordnorsk Debatt 2021
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Gerlinde Harb,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Safwat Diab,
Steffi Schenzle,
Joanne Lee
Supporting Palestinian children after the May 2021 escalation – Reflections on psychosocial needs and how to design a school-based intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No.4: UiT, the Arctic University of Norway.
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Stephen Richardson,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Helping children to deal with reactions from the Beirut explosion - Reflections on how to protect and support children. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No 2: UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Jon Håkon Schultz,
Camilla Lodi,
Daniel Wheeler,
Cristian de Luca,
Steffi Schenzle,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic: Reflections on how to provide support to reduce students' fear. Educational Response Brief for Education in Emergencies, No.3: UiT, the Arctic University of Norway.
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Clinical implications of placebo analgesia: The role of individual differences in fear and genetics in clinical practice.
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Johannes Gjerstad,
Magne Flaten,
Per M Aslaksen
The genetic influence on fear of pain and placebo analgesia
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Placeboens fantastiske verden
Bjørg Engdahl,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg,
Magne Arve Flaten
Friskere på liksom
Bedre helse 13. januar 2014
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Radiointervju i NRK P1
08. januar 2013
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Her er årets deltakere i Forsker Grand Prix
15. september 2012
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Forsker Grand Prix
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Smerte og placebo: Forskerportrett
Audun Hetland,
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Science it's a girl thing
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Placeboeffekten; Sukkerpille + Forventning = Sant
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
June vil bli Norges beste forsker
24. september 2012
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Her kjemper June om finaleplass i Forsker Grand Prix
24. september 2012
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Placeboeffekten er reell
18. september 2012
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Følg June gjennom Forsker Grand Prix
24. september 2012
June Thorvaldsen Forsberg
Inviterer til forrykende forskershow
15. september 2012