Elin Kristine Haugdal
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Arkitekturhistorie og arkitekturteori. Offentlig kunst, monumenter og monumentalitet. Samisk arkitektur, formgivning og kunst. Landskap, bebyggelse og økologi. Fotografi, visuell kultur og kunstteori.
Medlem i forskningsgruppe
Medlem i prosjekt
Current position: Professor in Art History, Department of Literature and Culture, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Dr. candidate in Art History, University of Tromsø (UiT), 2001–06. Disputation 1.2.2008.
MA in Art History, UiT, 1997–99.
BA in Art History, UiT, 1992–96. Supporting subjects: Literary Science, Nordic language, Sociology, Ecophilosophy, UiT/University of Copenhagen/University of Oslo.
Teaching training and experience:
Teacher training courses in higher education 2009–11. Diploma in higher education 2011, UiT.
Teaching experience in art and architectural history, theory, methodology (BA, MA) since 2000.
Academic supervision of BA-, MA- and PhD-students.
National PhD-course in Art History, UiT, 2011-2020. Academic responsible and organizer.
Head of the research group Worlding Northern Art (WONA)
Head of research network Huksenvieru sátnegirje (HUSA)
Research projects:
Arctic Modernities, 2013–16. Research member. Conference presentation: "Modernity and Myth: The Discourse on the Arctic Cathedral" (2013). Presentation: "Mediating everyday life on Svalbard. Herta Grøndal's Photographs from the 1950s-1970s" (2015). Arctic Modernities is an interdisciplinary and international project funded by The Research Council of Norway (the Polar Programme) and the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, UiT.
The Sámi Art Research Project (SARP), 2009–13. Co-management and research member. Conference presentations: “The rhetoric of Sami architecture” (2009); “Ornamental monumental. On the Sámi Parliament Building in Karasjok” (2011); "Critical regionalism in contemporary indigenous architecture". SARP is an interdisciplinary and international project funded by The Research Council of Norway and the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, UiT.
Hager og landskap i Nord-Norge (Gardens and landscapes in the Northern Norway), in charge of Ingebjørg Hage, UiT, 2011–12. Research member, investigating landscape architecture and gardens at Campus Breivika. Co-editor of Hager mot nord, Orkana Akademisk, Autumn 2015.
Arkitektur i Nord-Norge (Architecture in Northern Norway), 2003–07. PhD-scholar and co-management. This was an interdisciplinary research project funded by The Research Council of Norway and the Faculty of Humanities, UiT.
Committees and boards etc.
Member of board, Department of language and culture, 2020-2024.
Member of editorial board Kunst og kultur, Universitetsforlaget, 2013-18.
Commitees for PhD appointment, PhD assessment, and professorship (organizer).
Department Council, Dep. of Culture and Literature, UiT, member 2007–09.
Tromsø Municipality, "Byutviklingens År”, member of working committee 2005.
Department board, Faculty of Humanities, UiT, member 2003–05.
National Academic Council for Art History, member 2003–04.
National Committee for Doctoral Programme in Humanities (NFU-H), PhD-repr. 2003–04.
PhD Programme in Humanities, UiT, board member 2002–04.
Tromsø Art Society, board member 2002–04.
Recent publications:
"Photography, plants and care in a changing Arctic". Photographies, Vol. 18, No.1, 2025, 41-64
M.T. Fjellestad, E. Haugdal, S.von Spreter & H.H. Stien, "Introduction: on photography and care, photographies", Vol. 18, No. 1, 2025, 3-21.
"Dáiddakarta. Cartography in Contemporary Sámi Art Practices", JoLMA The Journal for the Philosophy of Language, Mind and the Arts, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2024, 117-144.
"Monumental Duodji? Craft and Care in Outi Pieski’s Public Artworks", The Vessel Magazine, Issue 8, 2024.
"Learning from Sápmi". In: Towards Home / ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui. Joar Nango, Taqralik Partridge, Jocelyn Piirainen (eds.). Valiz/Canadian Centre for Architecture Montréal/Mondo Books, 2024.
"Samisk arkitektur i norsk Byggekunst / Sámi arkitektuvra áigečállagis Byggekunst". I: Huksendáidda. Arkitektuvra Sámis - Arkitektur i Sápmi - Architecture in Sápmi, Bente Solbakken (ed.). Orkana Forlag 2022, s. 90-113.
"Å ta eierskap. Samisk bygningsrelatert kunst", Kunst og kultur, Vol. 105, 2-3, 2022, 172-187.
"Nordlige verdensgjøringer". Kunst og kultur, Vol. 105, 2022.
"Belonging(s)". In: Public memory, public art: Reflections on monuments and memorial art today.
Enqvist, Annika; Katz Thor, Rebecka; Modig, Karolina; Zawieja, Joanna (eds.). Statens konstråd, Art & Theory Publishing, Stockholm 2022, pp. 208-15.
"Tillhörighet(er)". I: Offentligt minne, offentlig konst – Reflektioner om monument och minneskonst i samtiden. Enqvist, Annika; Katz Thor, Rebecka; Modig, Karolina; Zawieja, Joanna (eds.). Statens konstråd, Art & Theory Publishing, Stockholm 2022. pp. 208-215.
"New Architecture in Author Museums and Centres". In: Transforming author museums From Sites of Pilgrimage to Cultural Hubs. Ulrike Spring, Johan Schimanski, Thea Aarbakke (eds.). Berghahn Books 2022, pp. 35-67.
"Photographs of the Soviet Settlements on Svalbard". Nordlit 2020 (45), pp. 104-138.
“’It’s meant to decay’: Contemporary Sámi Architecture and the Rhetoric of Materials”. In: Handbook of Contemporary Indigenous Architecture. Elizabeth Grant, Kelly Greenop et.al (eds.) Springer Nature, 2017, pp. 805-829.
“Mediating Everyday Life in Svalbard. Herta Grøndal's Photographs, 1950–70”. In: Arctic Modernities: The Environmental, the Exotic and the Everyday, Anka Ryall og Heidi Hansson (eds.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017, pp. 261–293
"Strategies of Monumentality in Contemporary Sámi Architecture". In: Sámi Art and Aesthetics: Contemporary Perspectives. Svein Aamold, Elin Haugdal, Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen (eds.), Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2017, pp. 211-238