How to use EndNote to optimise your workflow
Present-day academics spend much of their time writing articles for journals, often in collaboration with fellow researchers. Preparing a manuscript requires expert navigation through the research literature. Both aspects of the writing process involve challenges relating to the handling of references: how to share them with your co-author(s), and how to organise them in order to most efficiently extract what is relevant for your manuscript.
In this seminar, we will focus on more advanced functions in EndNote (, in particular:
The last subject (systematic literature reviews) is not necessarily relevant for all participants, and we therefore place this in the end of the course. Further, we will try to adjust the course content to the needs of the participants. If there are any subjects you wish to learn more about, not listed here, please fill out a short questionnaire.
Note that we expect all participants to have a basic knowledge of EndNote, including:
If you need a refresher prior to the seminar, please consult the course material available from this page. If you have not set up your library to sync, please consult this video for step-by-step instructions. If you need help sorting out any EndNote troubles, hiccups or messes, please get in touch with our EndNote support well before the seminar. We will not be able to provide one-on-one EndNote support during the seminar itself, but will be happy to assist you in preparation for it.
The seminar is organised by Helene N. Andreassen and Grete Overvåg.
Light refreshments will be served during the break.
This seminar is a freestanding part of the seminar series Take control of your PhD Journey: From (p)reflection to publishing.