ARC - Arctic Centre for Sustainable Energy
CANS - Centre for New Antibacterial Strategies
COAST - Centre of Excellence in Maritime Simulator Training and Assessment
iEarth - Centre for Integrated Earth System Science Education: The centre is a national collaboration of partners from Norwegian universities and a Centre for Outstanding Education funded by NOKUT from August 2020.
INCLUDE - Research Centre on Socially Inclusive Energy Transition: The Center for Development and the Environment (SUM) at the University of Oslo hosts INCLUDE, and UiT is one of 7 partners. INCLUDE is funded by the Research Council of Norway through the program Social Science Research Centers for Environmentally Friendly Energy (FME Society).
NCLOS - Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea
ProTed - Centre for Professional Learning in Teacher Education. ProTed aims to generate new knowledge about teaching and learning, and will ensure students at UiO and UiT recieves an integrated, research based teacher education.
CASTL - The Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics
MASCOT - Auroa Senterer for Mathematicsl Structurues in Computation
Updated: 30.11.2022, updated by: Steinar M Paulsen