Nasjonal forskerskole i språkvitenskap og filologi


Tidligere kurs og andre aktiviteter
2012-05-31 to 06-01: The Making of the Early Modern Period

The Making of the Early Modern Period A Symposium and PhD-Course (2 ECTs), University of Agder May 31 to June 01, 2012, Campus Kristiansand, JU-071

The course consists of lectures on the transition from the Middle to the Early Modern period in a number of languages. The overall focus is on the description and analysis of the processes that underlie the various types of linguistic change that eventually result in the Early Modern.

2011-10-10 to 10-14: Lost in linguistics? A guide to the current landscape of linguistic theory

Lost in linguistics - Current linguistic theories in a contrastive perspective Sia 60-tallet har språkvitenskap utvikla seg i mange forskjellige retninger og diverse teorier og subteorier (og sub- subteorier!) har sett dagens lys. Implisitte teoretiske antakelser - ikke alltid så lett identifiserbare - ligger ofte til grunn for vitenskapelige arbeider.

Målet for kurset er derfor å tilby et grunnlag for å forstå litteraturen og egen forskning i en breiere kontekst. Kurset vil bestå av to deler: Den første delen vil være en generell oversikt og beskrive hovedlinjene i moderne språkvitenskaplig tankegang, ved å systematisk sammenlikne og kontrastere de mest innflytelsesrike teoriene. Den andre delen vil bestå av fire underdeler. Hver av disse vil drøfte anvendelsen og følger av de forskjellige teoriene for ulike lingvistiske disipliner, samt presentere de viktigste teoretiske spørsmåla innenfor hvert av disiplinene. Kurset arrangeres av Universitetet i Oslo og Den nasjonale forskerskolen i språkvitenskap. Forelesere Generell oversikt: Giorgio Graffi Fonologi: Patrick Honeybone Morfologi: Geert Booij Syntaks: Giorgio Graffi Semantikk/pragmatikk: kommer Kurset er beregnet på PhD-studenter i språkvitenskap og holdes ved Universitetet i Oslo. Forelesningene er åpne for alle, men kun de som har søkt og fått opptak kan få ECTS-poeng for kurset. Deltakelse er gratis, men reise og opphold dekkes av den enkelte deltaker. Tidsrom: 10 – 14 oktober 2011 ECTS: 3 Antall plasser: 20 Søknaden skal inneholde: - CV - Beskrivese av Phd-prosjekt på max en halv A4-side (inkl. teoretisk rammeverk) Søknadsfrist: 10. september 2011 Søknaden sendes til

2011-09-19 to 09-22: Constructing meaning in language acquisition(NTNU)

David Stringer, Indiana University: The Lexical Interface: Mapped meaning to grammar in first and second language acquisition. Teresa Cadierno, University of South Denmark: Second Language Acquisition from a Usage-Based/Cognitive Linguisitics Perspective. Debra Titone, McGill University: Acquiring And Using Figurative Language From a Psycholinguistic Perspective.

Prospective participants should send by e-mail a brief motivation for participation and a recommendation by their academic supervisor by August 15, 2011. Contact Mila Vulchanova at

2011-09-19 til 09-22: Moderne språkendringar (UiB)

Kurset har fire tema knyttet til språk: etermedia, samfunnstype, metode og holdning. Kurset går over fire dager med ett tema hver dag.

Hver dag er det to dobbeltforelesninger av inviterte foredragsholdere, pluss fremlegging av doktorgradsprosjekter til kommentar. Hvert prosjekt vil bli kommentert av (minst) én av de invitere foredragsholderne og én av de andre Ph.D.-kandidatene. Kurset arrangeres av Universitetet i Bergen.

2011-08-24 to 08-26: (Psycho-)linguistic approaches to language contact, bilingualism and code switching (UiA)

This course is designed for PhD students in linguistics. It is a part of the PhD course program within the National Research School in Linguistics and Philology, but open to all PhD students.

Lecturers: Marianne Gullberg, Professor of psycholinguistics, Lund University, Sweden and Rosemarie Tracy, Professor of English Linguistics, University of Mannheim, Germany It is a 5 ECTS course, with 3 ECTS to be granted on the basis of regular and active participation, and 2 ECTS on the basis of a ca. 10-page essay. Registration deadline: July 1st. Contact person: Professor Dagmar Haumann, Dagmar Hauman at uia dot no, tlf. (+47)38 14 15 59

2011-06-20 to 06-23: Researcher training course on Multilingual Lexical Resourses and Tools

In recent years, mono- and multilingual lexicons, wordnets and other lexical resources have become more readily available. In such databases, the information provided on words and their relations, both within and across languages, has become richer and more easily exploitable in various applications.

In such databases, the information provided on words and their relations, both within and across languages, has become richer and more easily exploitable in various applications. The course will give a theoretical overview lexical relations related to computational lexicons, wordnets and thesauri an will present different methods for their construction and exploitation. A theoretically motivated background will be given in translational relations, and their exploration and use will be explained. Methods and tools such as Weka, SketchEngine and Semantic Mirrors will be demonstrated and hands-on exercises will be given. Read more at the organiser's website. Registration through e-mail to Martin Paulsen, by June 1st

2011-04-26 to 04-29: Contemporary cognitive linguistics (UiT)

This course will present both a theoretical overview of cognitive linguistics, plus a sampling of important recent advances. Examples of specific topics that may be included are: fictive motion, lexical semantics, metaphor/metonymy, con¬struction grammar, quantitative applications of cognitive linguistics, and the modeling of language evolution.

The course is particularly relevant for students who are planning to work within the framework of cognitive linguistics, but is also relevant for students working within other frameworks. In addition to learning about recent developments in cognitive linguistics, students will gain experience in carrying out and presenting their own analyses within cognitive linguistics.

2009-11-30 to 12-04: PhD Research Seminar: Bilingual first language aqusition

The aim of this course is to survey current research on bilingual first language development - the simultaneous learning of two (or more) languages in early childhood. It provides an overview of major empirical issues and findings, touching on the interaction of linguistic and cognitive factors and discussing the implications of research findings for general models of acquisition and linguistic theory.

Students wishing to take this course for credit need to register by November 13 by filling in a form that can be downloaded from CASTL's web pages.

2009-11-11-14: PhD course in Second Language Acquisition and Translation Studies

The course "Source Language Influence: Common Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Second Language Acquisition and Translation Studies" (3 ECTS) is part of the PhD course program within the National Research School in Linguistics and Philology, but is open to all PhD students. The course will take place at the University of Bergen, Norway on 11-14 November 2009. Registration through e-mail to Martin Paulsen, by October 15. Deadline for submission of presentations: 26 October.


The PhD course "Language change: the invisible hand and the effects of contact" (3 ECTS) is for PhD students in sociolinguistics and related linguistic disciplines. The course will take place at the University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway on 25-29 May 2009. Registration through e-mail to Helge Omdal, by May 10.

2009-04-23-24: Symposium on linguistic categorization and the nature of linguistic categories

Call for papers, first and second circulars The symposium will take place at the University of Tromsø on 23-24 April 2009. The deadline for registration is 6 March 2009.

2009-04-15-18: "BEYOND CONSTRUCTIONISM: TECHNOLOGY, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNITY”, a symposium and PhD research course on Contemporary Philosophy, Linguistics, and Literature

The course will take place at the Volda University College on 15-18 April 2009. More information is available at the Volda University College web pages.

2008-11-10-11: National PhD course: Analyzing Linguistic Data with Statistics

Course description, programme and registration.The course is announced by The Ph.D. Research School in Linguistics and Philology, University of Bergen, in cooperation with the research groups LaMoRe (Language Models and Resources) and REEL (Research in Empirical and Experimental Linguistics.)Registration through e-mail to the coordinator of the PhD Research School, Eva Thue Vold (, by September 15.

2008-08-11-13: PhD course: Narratives in interaction – from structure to practice. Contributions from pragmatics, sociolinguistics and conversation analysis

Course description, programme and registration.The course is co-organized by Gradeast and Roskilde University (Susanne Kjærbeck as a part of the NordLing course programme.

2008-06-2-5: National PhD course: Expanding Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics

Course description, programme and registration.Registration through e-mail to the coordinator of the PhD Research School, Eva Thue Vold (, by May 15.

2008-04-21-25: Ph.d.-kurs: Perceptual dialectology and perceptual sociolinguistics

Universitetet i Agder / University of Agder, Kristiansand Universitetet i Agder organiserer nasjonalt forskerkurs om Perceptual dialectology and perceptual sociolinguistics

2007-08-17: Ph.d.-kurs: Medieval Literacy

Universitetet i Oslo organiserer nasjonalt forskerkurs om Medieval Literacy, 8.–12. oktober.

2007-07-03: Ph.d.-kurs: Language Acquisition

Universitetet i Tromsø organiserer nasjonalt forskerkurs om Language Acquisition, 15.–19. oktober.

2007-06-19: Ph.d.-kurs: Grounding Language in Action and Perception: A distributed view of cognitive dynamics and language

Universitetet i Agder organiserer nasjonalt forskerkurs om Grounding Language in Action and Perception: A distributed view of cognitive dynamics and language, 3.–7. september.

2007-04-20: The Second Ph.D. Conference in Linguistics and Philology in Bergen

Den lokale Forskarskulen i språkvitskap og filologi ved Universitetet i Bergen organiserer doktorandkonferanse The Second Ph.D. Conference in Linguistics and Philology in Bergen, 4.–6. juni 2007.

2007-03-19: Ph.d.-kurs: Språkdidaktikk

Den lokale Forskarskulen i språkvitskap og filologi ved Universitetet i Bergen organiserer temadag om Språkdidaktikk, 8.–9. mai 2007.

2007-03-19: Ph.d.-kurs: Veilederseminar

Høgskolen i Agder organiserer temadag om Veiledning, 16.–17. april 2007.

2007-02-19: Ph.d.-kurs: Språkvitskaplege metodar

Den lokale Forskarskulen i språkvitskap og filologi ved Universitetet i Bergen organiserer temadag om Språkvitskaplege metodar, 21.–22. mars 2007.

2006-11-22: Nordisk nettverk for forskarskuler

Eit nordisk nettverk for forskarskuler innanfor språk og språkvitskap Nordling er i gang.

2006-11-22: Ph.d.-kurs: Skriving og publisering av vitskaplege artiklar

Den lokale Forskarskulen i språkvitskap og filologi ved Universitetet i Bergen organiserer skriveseminar om Skriving og publisering av vitskaplege artiklar, 18–19. januar 2007.

2006-10-17: Ph.d.-kurs: Embodiment in Linguistic Theory

Den lokale Forskarskulen i språkvitskap og filologi ved Universitetet i Bergen organiserer temadag om Embodiment in Linguistic Theory, 9. november.

2006-09-05: Ph.d.-kurs: Teorier om andrespråkstilegnelse

Universitetet i Oslo organiserer nasjonalt forskerkurs om Teorier om andrespråkstilegnelse, 17.–18. november.

2006-08-25: Ph.d.-kurs: Language contact from a political and social perspective

Universitetet i Tromsø organiserer nasjonalt forskerkurs om Language contact from a political and social perspective, 6.–11. november.

2006-08-23: Ph.d.-kurs: Sociolinguistic typology: Outcomes of dialect contact and language contact

Høgskolen i Agder organiserer nasjonalt forskerkurs om Sociolinguistic typology: Outcomes of dialect contact and language contact, 11.–15. september.

2006-06-29: Ph.d.-kurs: Tilhøvet mellom filologi, språkvitskap og litteraturvitskap

Den lokale Forskarskulen i språkvitskap og filologi ved Universitetet i Bergen organiserer temadagar om Tilhøvet mellom filologi, språkvitskap og litteraturvitskap, 5.–6. september.

2006-05-18: Nordisk nettverkforskerskole

NordForsk har innvilget midler til en nordisk nettverkforskerskole. Denne har hatt sitt første møte i Helsinki 15.-16. mai. Den nasjonale forskerskolen er en del av nettverket og vil være ansvarlig for flere av arrangementene i regi av den nordiske skolen.

Nettside operativ første gang.