Premature project

Prematureproject - Publications

Does An Early Intervention Influence Behavioral Development Until Age 9 in Children Born Prematurely? Inger Pauline Landsem et al.
Child Development, April 2015

Early intervention influences positively quality of life as reported by prematurely born children at age nine and their parents; a randomized clinical trial. Inger Pauline Landsem et al. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2015) 13:25
HQLO, Februar 2015

Early intervention program reduces stress in parents of preterms during childhood, a randomized controlled trial. Inger Pauline Landsem et al. Trials 2014, 15:387
Trials, Oktober 2014

Cognitive outcome of early intervention in preterms at 7 and 9 years of age: a randomized controlled trial. Lisbeth Hauglann et al.
Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed, September 2014

Regulatory competence and social communication in term and preterm infants at 12 months corrected age. Results from a randomized controlled trial.   Kåre S. Olafsen et al. Infant Behavior and Development, 35, 140-149
,Januar 2012

Early intervention improves behavioral outcomes for preterm infants: randomized controlled trial. S. Marianne Nordhov et al 
Pediatrics Jan 2012

A randomized controlled trial of an early intervention program in low birth weight children: Cognitive and motor outcomes at 3 years corrected age and 5 years.
S.Marianne Nordhov et al.
"Pediatrics" okt. 2010

A randomised study of the impact of a sensitising intervention on childrearing attitudes of parents of low birth weight preterm infants.
Marianne Nordhov et al.
"Scandinavian Journal of Psychology" høst 2009

A randomized controlled trial of an early intervention program in low birth weight children: Outcome at 2 years
Per Ivar Kaaresen et al.
"Early Human Development" Mars 2008

Maternal ratings of infant temperament from six to 12 months: Influence of stress, birthweight and intervention. A randomized controlled trial.
Kåre S. Olafsen et al.
Infant behavior & development Vol 31 2008

Infant responsiveness and maternal confidence in the neonatal period.
Kåre S. Olafsen et al.
"Scandinavian Journal of Psychology" Nov 2007

Joint Attention in Term and Preterm Infants at 12 Months Corrected Age: The Significance of Gender and Intervention Based on a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Kåre S. Olafsen et al.
Infant Behavior & Development Des 2006

A randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of an early intervention program in reducing parenting stress after preterm birth.
Per Ivar Kaaresen et al.
Pediatrics Juli 2006

Pre-prematurprosjekt studie:
Emotional, Behavioral, Social and Academic Outcomes in Adolescents Born With Very Low Birth Weight.
Lauritz Bredrup Dahl et al.
Pediatrics August 2006

Post-graduate Theses Psychology

Theses for the grade Cand. Psychol. UiTø 2002

"Parents of premature and full-term infants: Predictors of stress in parent-child relationship"
Lisbeth V. Hauglann and Sissel Nedrebø

Theses for the grade Cand. Psychol. UiTø 2009

"Bruk av vekstkurvemodeller for å beskrive endring i foreldrestress med temperament og fødselsvekt som prediktorer. Effekt av et intervensjonsprogram for foreldre til premature barn.
Bente Ødegård and Marit Øygård Andreassen


Report from a interview-study of parents participating in the study "Early Intervention 2000"
Kari Birkelund Olsen, School of Nursing, University college in Tromsø. November 2006

Ansvarlig for siden: Tunby, Jorunn
Sist oppdatert: 09.06.2022 09:57