Premature project

Prematureproject - About the project

”Early Intervention Project 2000” in Tromsø aims to learn more about premature childrens development, and to test the effect of an early intervention. Premature children are caracterized by immaturity in all vital systems at birth, and the nursing of the baby must be planned and carried out with much caution so the baby is not inflicted any harm.

Experienced neonatal nurses were educated in the early-intervention-method.
The Prosject was implemented in the ward. Together with the parents, the nurses performed a structural examination, where the childs physiological/inner balance, motory capasity and ability to regulate her/his states appeared. The intervention took place the last week before discharge, one hour each day, and then four homevisits. The child were followed up at 6 months, one, two, three, five years of age, and then seven and nine years of age. This will give valuable information on what are important in the future follow-up on prematurely born children.

The prosject have resulted in more cooperation between departments, and between clinical work and research.

Ansvarlig for siden: Tunby, Jorunn
Sist oppdatert: 09.06.2022 09:57