Monthly Coffee Meeting April 2024

During the  Monthly Coffee session in April, the Ocean Incubator Network team convened for the final gathering before our workshop in May. This meeting was pivotal as we engaged in detailed discussions about the upcoming workshop's structure and the collaborative efforts that will unfold there. Specifically, we focused on the formation of three groups, each tasked with exploring one of our central themes: positionality, inter/cross/trans-disciplinarity, and co-creation.

Here the links to the three booklets:

- Positionality



The groups are set to embark on a creative journey, where they will develop unique projects tailored for specific target audiences. These projects will be presented during the workshop, followed by a constructive feedback session. The outcomes of these discussions and the creative process will be meticulously documented in booklets prepared by Laura Vita. These booklets, illustrated with the help of Valentina Russo, draw inspiration from the Introduction to our Learning Toolkit.

In preparation for the workshop, Margherita and Laura had the opportunity to meet with Frank Sejersen to discuss the introductory session at the Arctic House in Copenhagen. Additionally, they held a productive meeting with Mojgan Pooladi, our intern student, and touched base with the photographer and video animator responsible for crafting the video documentary of our journey. We are excited to announce that a teaser for this documentary will be released shortly, offering a glimpse into the impactful work being done within the Ocean Incubator Network.