Monthly Coffee Meeting January 2024

Here are the updates on what we have been discussing in the last meeting and the plan to meet again on February 9th, Oslo time.

It is confirmed our workshop will be organized in the first week of May, most likely the 2nd and 3rd May. The location will be Denmark and in the coming weeks I will be going there to explore places, both in Copenhagen and outside. Among the suggested locations, we had Soho House, the University of Copenhagen, and the Design Museum. I invite everyone to think about possible places that: 1. allow us to stay in contact with nature (preferably the ocean); 2. Have enough space to give us the possibility to run both an outdoor and indoor activity. After the meeting, Tahnee suggested to take a look at this place: It’s in Århus and if you like it and they respond quickly, I can even organize a visit there this month. I need your suggestions here! We elaborated further on the workshop idea and its main pillars: a. connecting with each other and the community that hosts us; b. connecting with nature. For a., Emily will help us in the coming days with some suggestions on how we could introduce ourselves as researchers to a non-academic audience, or how to write a section in a research paper/grant application/etc positioning ourselves and our research. I encourage everyone to start jotting down their own description, as well as tips on how to best present ourselves. A third pillar (c.) we should all work on is what we aim to get out of this workshop, in terms of publications (report/book/co-authored publication); teaching materials for specific courses/audiences; syllabus for courses; short training in our field of expertise. We still hope to have Chloe Salter and the Green Youth Movement as our community of reference. I will continue to work on updating the website: maybe for next month it could be good to have some examples of a. and if our illustrator is available, I will start asking her to prepare some props for a journal On February 1st I will apply EUGLOH for a digital course on Planetary Health and there will be modules on Ocean Literacy (with possibilities to teach). If we get the funding, it would be great to use it as a follow-up opportunity for any interested person in our OIN network.   For next month: we should finalize location, days and activities. Juliana promised to draft an outline for the event and maybe we will be able to circulate it before the event.