Monthly Coffee Meetings Pave the Way for the OIN Workshop

In an innovative approach to workshop development, the Ocean Incubator Network has developed a series  of monthly calls, the "Monthly Coffees," that will help the OIN members shape the forthcoming workshop set to take place in May 2024. These calls have not only fostered collaboration and idea-sharing but have also propelled the project forward in significant ways.

The journey to the workshop, which began with a kickoff event in September, has since gained momentum through these monthly gatherings. In October, the focus of the meeting shifted towards key aspects of the workshop's design and execution. Discussions revolved around several pivotal topics, including:

  1. Brainstorming on Videorecordings: The team brainstormed on the need to strategize and plan the videorecordings for the upcoming workshop. 

  2. Location and Community Involvement: Ensuring that the workshop is not only informative but also contextually relevant is a top priority. In our meeting,  we continued the conversations on the workshop's location and how to actively involve local communities, creating a more inclusive and culturally rich environment.

  3. Development of a Post-Workshop Course: In collaboration with EUGLOH, the European University Alliance for Global Health, the OIN is thinking of extending the impact of the workshop. Ideas will be developed in the months to come and then discussed in a dedicated focus group during the workshop.

The Monthly Coffees are a dynamic and effective platform for team members to come together, exchange insights, and make important decisions that will shape the workshop's success.

Don't miss the next coffee, on November 27!

A heart shaped cappuccino with oatmilk, made in Grut, UiT, Tromsø.