Meltwater release of heavy metals from glacier to ocean in a changing Arctic (METALLICA)


METALLICA aims to deliver ground breaking process understanding of the cycling, export and ecosystem impacts of heavy metals released from Arctic glaciers to fjords, developing a novel conceptual framework to support the future prediction and management of toxicity impacts on critical ecosystem services.

Through five interconnected Work Packages (WP), METALLICA will address key knowledge gaps using a risk-based approach to define our target heavy metal/metalloid species, accounting for: toxicity for human health; presence in terrestrial runoff; and regulatory frameworks, which influence availability of toxic species. 

WP1: Glacial Drivers

Lead: Professor Jemma Wadham | Assistant Lead: Sabina Strmic Palinkas

Objective: To conclusively determine the glacial controls on heavy metal release from lithologically diverse glaciers to fjords across a trans-Arctic latitudinal domain


WP2: Expanding Glacier Forefields

Lead: Professor Andrew Hodson | Assistant Lead: Professor Jacob Clement Yde

Objective: To establish how riverine heavy metal export from ice to ocean is modulated by biogeochemical processes in changing glacier forefields

WP3: Fate in the Fjords

Lead: Professor Murat Ardelan | Assistant Lead: Professor Matthias Forwick

Objective: To critically evaluate the fate, bioavailability and toxicity of glacier-exported heavy metals in fjords aligned to lithologically-contrasting glaciers in the Kongsfjorden Natural Laboratory


WP4: Ecosystem Impacts

Lead: Professor Geir Wing Gabrielsen | Assistant Lead: Senior Researcher Philipp Assmy

Objective: To trace the incorporation of potentially toxic heavy metals into fjord ecosystems via an end-to-end trophic level approach in the Kongsfjorden Natural Laboratory


WP5: Arctic Framework

Lead: Professor Sabina Strmic Palinkas | Assistant Lead: Professor Jemma Wadham

Objective: To develop a globally relevant conceptual model and geo-based framework of glacier-driven metal toxicity to support policy making and management of Arctic fjords
