Press Release: "O Rio Não Vai Mais Correr" to Premiere at VERdeCINE Festival

We are thrilled to announce the screening of "O Rio Não Vai Mais Correr," a compelling documentary produced by Felippy Damian and funded by the ECO_CARE project. The film will be featured at the upcoming VERdeCINE socio-environmental festival, scheduled for June 9, 2024, at 8:30 PM. For more details about the festival, please visit their Instagram page at VERdeCINE Instagram.

VERdeCINE festival is dedicated to using audiovisual media to spark discussions on human-environment interactions. "O Rio Não Vai Mais Correr" aligns with the festival’s mission by delving into diverse perspectives on water ownership and utilization.

Set against the backdrop of urban and Western landscapes where water is often seen as private property, the documentary introduces the contrasting viewpoint of the Chiquitano People. Filmed during a collaborative fieldwork of the ECO_CARE team (coordinator: Giulia Parola) in Mato Grosso in 2022, the documentary showcases the profound bond the Chiquitano Indigenous People shares with water, portraying it as a vital lifeline and sustenance,  embedded in their cultural ethos.

The film is available in Portuguese with English and Spanish subtitles, and can be viewed here: Watch "O Rio Não Vai Mais Correr".

Film cover by Felippy Damian.