The video documentaries (of the ECO_CARE Midterm in Brazil are out! (in English and in Portuguese)

You can enjoy the reportage of the ECO_CARE midterm travels in English here!

Click here for the Portuguese version

The videos are created and edited by Gabrielle Natividad, in January 2024, based on the data collected by Silvano Chue Muquissai, Giulia Parola and Margherita Poto. We thank Rodrigo Tavares, Cecilia Campo and Giulia Parola for the editing the Portuguese version.

References: Chue Muquissai, S., Parola, G., & Poto, M. P. (2023). ECO_CARE Midterm Conference 2023: "Sharing of the co-created results"-journey of the ECO_CARE team: Rio de Janeiro and Chiquitano Indigenous territories of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Septentrio Reports, (1).