Ocean Interconnectedness: An interdisciplinary workshop

Dive into the Depths of Interdisciplinarity: "Ocean Interconnectedness An interdisciplinary workshop to learn from the ocean, through multisensory activities and reflections on the role of emotions in science and law Senses & Science, Love & Law"

UiT The Arctic University of Norway- A collaboration between the Department of Marine Geosciences (Giuliana Panieri) and the Faculty of Law (Margherita Poto), 19-20 September 2023— A groundbreaking interdisciplinary workshop is set to involve participants from Norway, and project partner countries (UiT researchers, international experts in the fields of science, law, art and music) in a unique exploration of the ocean's mysteries. 

Organized in partnership with UiT Konsen, the workshop will involve, among others the pianist Ekaterina Isayevskaya, the artist Valentina Russo (ECOCARE illustrator), and an assembly of scientists from diverse fields both nationally and internationally, the workshop aims to present project results and reflect on future collaborations. The hosts will offer the activities developed in The Ocean Senses Handbook, (Akma2 Ocean Senses, P.I. Giuliana Panieri), which has been translated into multiple languages, expanding its global impact.

Further enriching the experience, the ECOCARE project's results, co-created alongside the Chiquitano communities in Mato Grosso (coordinated by Giulia Parola), will be shared with the audience, reflecting on the importance of co-creation as a legal methodology that leaves no one behind. This meaningful endeavor underscores the intersection of art, culture, and conservation, showcasing how collaborative efforts can contribute to water-centered governance models.

The workshop also marks the inauguration of newly established networks and collaborations (The Deep Ocean Network, funded by Erasmus+, and the Ocean Incubator Network, funded by Uarctic).

On its second day, an exciting collaboration with Forskningsdagene and the dedicated Follow Your Heart team (Margherita Poto, Emily Murray, Laura Vita, Valentina Russo), the workshop will also host a dedicated session, further integrating teachers and learners from schools in Tromsø into the conversation on the importance to take care of the environment. 

Here is the link to the Workshop Program

The event is also on tavla