Libanon: Hva er i vente?
Hvilke økonomiske, politiske og samfunnsmessige forhold lå bak eksplosjonen? Internasjonalt seminar 03.09.2020.
On the 4th of August nearly 3000 tons of ammonium nitrate stored at the port of the city of Beirut, Lebanon exploded.
Sted: Tromsø bibliotek og byarkiv, plan 2
Tid: torsdag 03. September, kl 19-21
Merk: seminaret holdes på engelsk - det er fullt mulig å kommentere og stille spørsmål på norsk.
The explosion caused over 200 deaths, thousands of injuries and massive property damage. After years of political instability, poverty, economic collapse, hosting more than a million refugees and the Covid-19 pandemic, the devastating explosion might be more than the country can handle.
For this seminar we have invited a very special guest to discuss which economical, political and social circumstances that have led to the explosion in Beirut and what might be the future developments of this.
- How could it happen?
- How does the current situation affect the civic space in the country?
- What does the future hold for Lebanon?
- Rami G. Khouri, Journalist-in-Residence and adjunct professor of journalism at the American University of Beirut, former editor of the Daily Star newspaper in Beirut and nonresident senior fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Mr. Khouri is Palestinian-Jordanian and a U.S. citizen whose family resides in Beirut, Amman, and Nazareth. Khouri will speak of the very difficult situation in Lebanon due to a series of consecutive crises that have staggered the population, the environment, and the economy, during the past few years, culminating in the Aug 4 explosion at Beirut port - Eliana Lakis, Local Human Rights Activist, Leader for Active Lebanon Tromsø
- Moderator: Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, Professor of Northern Studies, Barents Chair in Politics, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
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Due to Covid-19 we will accept a maximum of 50 participants at the seminar. In cooperation with our partner organizaions, we continue to pursue NIPHs advice regarding the infection prevention of the virus. Therefore, we ask our audience to show respect, keep necessarily distance to each other and stay at home if you are not feeling well.
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Master of Philosophy in Visual and Multimodal Anthropology
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Sosialantropologi - master
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Arkeologi - master
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Peace and Conflict Transformation - master
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Indigenous Studies - master
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Human Rights Policy and Practice - master
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Technology and Safety in the High North - master
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Sosiologi - master
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Strategisk ledelse og økonomi - erfaringsbasert master
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Samfunnsplanlegging og kulturforståelse - bachelor
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Samfunnsplanlegging og kulturforståelse - master
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Økonomi og administrasjon - bachelor
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Samfunnssikkerhet og miljø - bachelor
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Økonomi og administrasjon, siviløkonom - master
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Ergoterapi - bachelor
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Samfunnsøkonomi med datavitenskap - bachelor
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Sosialantropologi - bachelor
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Organisasjonsdesign og ledelse - master
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Historie - master
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Russlandsstudier - master
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Barnehagelærer - bachelor
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Forfatterstudium 2 - årsstudium
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Bedriftsøkonomi - årsstudium (nettbasert)
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Sosialt arbeid - master
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Ledelse, innovasjon og marked - master
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Governance and Entrepreneurship in Northern and Indigenous Areas - master
Varighet: 4 År