ArcSTRAT - Arctic Ocean Stratigraphic and Paleoclimate Conference
The Arctic is currently undergoing the most dramatic climatic changes on Earth, with the Arctic Ocean rapidly moving towards a “blue” (summer sea ice free) state. To assess how a “blue” Arctic will respond to and drive an increasingly warmer future, in the absence of observational records, requires robust archives from the geological past. Such conditions existed during the Pleistocene interglacials and potentially during the middle Pliocene warm period, when geological and oceanographic conditions were comparable to today, yet substantial insolation changes led to pronounced high northern latitude warming, associated with reduced or absent summer Arctic sea ice and smaller-than-present ice sheets.
ArcSTRAT will bring together scientists from all around the world to discuss the constraints to date and correlate past climate archives from across the Arctic Ocean.
Do you want to be part of this discussion? Join us in Tromsø, 22 - 25 October 2024.

Such warmer-than-present periods represent valuable analogues to a potential future “blue” Arctic, yet despite the recovery of 100+ sedimentary records from the Arctic Ocean covering these time periods, empirical and numerical studies remain scarce, and the research community is currently unable to adequately characterize these “greenhouse climate states”, due to severe stratigraphic uncertainties.
The ArcSTRAT – Arctic Ocean Stratigraphic and Paleoclimate Conference in October 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting discussing the current constraints to date and correlate past climate archives across the Arctic Ocean.
ArcSTRAT aims to provide a forum where scientists can present their work and discuss their ideas on (1) the current status of the stratigraphic framework for the Arctic Ocean, (2) recent methodological advances to overcome the existing constraints, and (3) a road map to create synergies between expert groups and laboratories to solve all obstacles in Arctic Ocean stratigraphy during the Pleistocene and the Pliocene.
Conference Topics:
- Current Arctic stratigraphic framework
- Current knowledge of Quaternary climate evolution
- Developing an Arctic Ocean multi-stratigraphic toolbox
- Application of multi-stratigraphic and proxy toolbox
Keynote Speakers:
- Matt O’Regan - Stockholm University, Sweden
- Ruediger Stein - University of Bremen, Germany
- Anne de Vernal - Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Renata Lucchi - National Institute of Oceanography and applied Geophysics, Italy
- Jutta Wollenburg - Alfred Wegener Institute of Marine and Polar Research, Germany
- Stijn De Schepper - NORCE Climate and Environment in Bergen, Norway
- Claude Hillaire-Marcel - Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Submission of abstracts can be done here: Abstracts (Deadline: 1st August 2024)
Registration to the conference can be done here: Registration (Deadline: 1st October 2024)
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Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap - master
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Akvamedisin - master
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Bioteknologi - bachelor
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Arkeologi - master
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Peace and Conflict Transformation - master
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Geosciences - master
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Biology - master
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Technology and Safety in the High North - master
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Physics - master
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Mathematical Sciences - master
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Biomedicine - master
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Molecular Sciences - master
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Law of the Sea - master
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Biologi - bachelor
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Medisin profesjonsstudium
Varighet: 6 År -
Nordisk - årsstudium
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Luftfartsfag - bachelor
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Arkeologi - bachelor
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Informatikk, datamaskinsystemer - bachelor
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Informatikk, sivilingeniør - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Likestilling og kjønn - årsstudium
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Historie - bachelor
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Geovitenskap- bachelor
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Biomedisin - bachelor
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Kjemi - bachelor
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Samfunnssikkerhet - bachelor
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Matematikk - årsstudium
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Ergoterapi - bachelor
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Fysioterapi - bachelor
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Radiografi - bachelor
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Samfunnssikkerhet - master
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Kunst - bachelor
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Kunsthistorie - master
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Farmasi - bachelor
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Farmasi - master
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Religionsvitenskap - årsstudium
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Romfysikk, sivilingeniør - master
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Klima og miljøovervåkning, sivilingeniør - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Sosialantropologi - bachelor
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Bærekraftig teknologi, ingeniør - bachelor
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Historie - master
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Odontologi - master
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Anvendt fysikk og matematikk, sivilingeniør - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Barnevernsarbeid - master
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Forfatterstudium 2 - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Fine Art - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Barnevern - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Arctic Nature Guide - one year programme
Varighet: 1 År -
Sosialt arbeid - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År