Call for proposals: VISTA Centres for Interdisciplinary Research on Energy Transition

The VISTA board calls for proposals for new VISTA centres. Two new centres will be funded by a total of 25 MNOK over a five-year period. Resources from the host institutions covering at least 40 % of the total budget should match the VISTA contribution. VISTA funding may be used for salary, direct and indirect costs.

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Portrettbilde av Paulsen, Steinar Martin
Paulsen, Steinar Martin Seniorrådgiver forskning og innovasjon
Publisert: 23.01.24 13:23 Oppdatert: 23.01.24 13:46
Bærekraft Energi Geopolitikk

Scope of call
Limiting global warming will require major transitions in the energy sector and in the society. This will involve a substantial reduction in fossil fuel use, widespread electrification, improved energy efficiency, and use of alternative fuels.

With this as a background, the VISTA programme 2024-2028 aims to support science that provide fundamental insights in:

1. Energy Transition Solutions
2. Public Policies and Citizen Engagement

Application dedline: March 15, 2024 at 12:00 (noon).

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Kortnytt fra Seksjon for forskning og innovasjon
Paulsen, Steinar Martin Seniorrådgiver forskning og innovasjon
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