Workshop: How to write a competitive ERC proposal

On-site ERC workshop at UiT: Are you considering to apply for an ERC Grant call in the coming few years? Then it is time to attend this workshop and understand what ERC panels are looking for and how the revisions for ERC 2024 call will acknowledge the different types of research conducted to address scientific challenges across the world and different types of Principal Investigator (PI) track records. The information provided will enable you to develop an excellent con-ceptual research idea and scientific approach and to enhance the likelihood of funding.

EC Foto: EC
Portrettbilde av Mikalsen, Theresa
Mikalsen, Theresa Seniorrådgiver ekstern finansiering EU
Publisert: 27.03.23 12:26 Oppdatert: 27.03.23 12:30
Arktis Bærekraft Energi Geopolitikk Hav Helse og velferd Historie Idrett og friluftsliv Klima Kunst og kultur Lov og rett Naturvitenskap Pedagogikk Reiseliv Samfunn og demokrati Teknologi Urfolk Økonomi

The workshop is on site at UiT Friday April 28th and is provided by Dr. Mette Skraastad, founder of Yellow Research.

Find more information about the workshop here

Register no later than April 25th here.

Kortnytt fra Avdeling for forskning, utdanning og formidling, Seksjon for forskning og utdanningskvalitet
Mikalsen, Theresa Seniorrådgiver ekstern finansiering EU
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