Guest lecture Wednesday March 1st, 2023: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Mantel, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
We are excited to announce that Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Mantel at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, on Wednesday March 1st, 2023 will be giving a guest lecture titled Securing Distributed Software Systems at Run-Time.
![Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Mantel, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany](
![Portrettbilde av Fuglesteg, Jan](
The lecture will be held in person at B203 (Lille Aud) in the Science Buliding (Realfagsbygget). Note that the lecture starts at 09:00 (sharp) and that you should be in the lecture hall well before it starts.
Professor Mantel is an outstanding researcher and he is an expert in Computer Security and Formal Methods.
Professional (academic) contact persons is Associate Professor Elisavet Kozyri.
Target group: All undergraduate and graduate computer science students, PhD students, employees and external from industry
Date: Wednesday March 1st, 2023, at 09:00 (sharp)
Place: B203 (Lille Aud) in the Science Buliding (Realfagsbygget) (map).
Title: " Securing Distributed Software Systems at Run-Time "
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Mantel at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
The idea of run-time monitoring for security is appealingly simple. One guards a possibly insecure system by a monitor that is capable of detecting and preventing security violations before they occur. The approach can be generalized by making the monitor parametric such that it can be instantiated with different security policies.
In the talk, I will provide a short introduction to generic run-time monitoring for security and to a particular framework for run-time monitoring of distributed software systems. The CliSeAu system was originally developed for monitoring distributed Java programs, while later variants aimed at other programming languages, intermediate languages, and machine languages. This portfolio of monitoring systems constitutes a promising basis for dealing with the heterogeneity of platforms and languages in dstributed systems. All CliSeAu variants build on the concept of service automata, which supports a coordinated and decentralized enforcement of security.
I will provide an overview on past and current research, including topics like monitor architecture, coordination, performance optimizations, attacker models and anti-policies, security semantics and trustworthy security guarantees, the integration into security engineering, and application domains. Depending on interests of the audience and remaining time, I will selectively go into depth.
Heiko Mantel is a full professor for Computer Science at Technische Universität Darmstadt. His main interests include language-based security, side-channel security, semantic-based security, software re-engineering, and concurrency.
From 2010 to 2017, Heiko Mantel was the spokesman of the national research initiative Reliably Secure Software Systems, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). From 2018 to 2022, he was the spokesman of the research focus Software-Factory 4.0 funded by the state of Hesse. He has been and is involved in multiple other 3rd-party funded projects funded by the EU, German funding agencies, and industry. Currently, he is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Information Security, an area editor of the Journal of Cybersecurity, and a member of the scientific directorate of Schloss Dagstuhl.
Before joining TU Darmstadt in 2007, Heiko Mantel was a professor at RWTH, a postdoc at ETH Zurich, and a permanent researcher at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. He obtained his Ph.D. from Saarland University in 2003.
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