Listening to «Voices of Women»
Art songs composed by women will finally have their fair share of attention in a new project.
Voice of Women is a new project where UiT is involved with a work package at the Center for Women’s and Gender Research, lead by Lilli Mittner.
Theoretically, the project brings aesthetic and feminist perspectives together to put the ‘women and music’ question forward. Empirically, the main focus of the project is to give century art songs composed by women its fair share of attention, interpretation, analysis and performance.
The work package builds on Lilli Mittner’s PhD ‘Space of Possibilities for women composers in 19. Century Norway’, and the project ‘Gender Balance in Arts Education’, lead by Hilde Blix and the artistic work of Anne-Lise Sollied who is currently developing a compendium with unknown music by 50 women composers who have not received their fair attention. The compendium will be released in Autumn in Norsk Musikkforlag.
Voices of Women was recently awarded by the Directorate for Higher Education, Voices of Women (VOW) is an Erasmus + Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education project. It is a collaboration project between the University of Stavanger, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar and the University of Groningen.
The project is lead by Professor Bettina Smith (UiS).
Cultural Transfer
The interdisciplinary project works at the intersection of disciplines, languages, and artforms and it will also be studying cultural transfer. It involves cooperation between three countries: Norway, the Netherlands and Germany. The VOW project aims to establish an international VOW network of change agents in art, research, and the cultural sector.
Educating Agents of Change
Methodologically, the project aims at creating leaning environments in which transformative pedagogy can take place. Here, the RESCAPE approach developed by Lilli Mittner, Lena Haselmann & Janke Klok will play a significant role.
Pedagogically, the project aims at educating agents of change by introducing higher education students, researchers, the music and art audience and the general public in novel ways to music and meaning.
More information:
Kortnytt fra Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning, Musikkonservatoriet
Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap - bachelor
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Fiskeri- og havbruksvitenskap - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Master of Philosophy in Visual and Multimodal Anthropology
Varighet: 2 År -
Arkeologi - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Peace and Conflict Transformation - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Indigenous Studies - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Human Rights Policy and Practice - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Technology and Safety in the High North - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Sosiologi - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Strategisk ledelse og økonomi - erfaringsbasert master
Varighet: 5 Semestre -
Samfunnsplanlegging - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Sosiologi - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Arkeologi - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Spansk - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Statsvitenskap - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Pedagogikk - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Likestilling og kjønn - årsstudium
Varighet: 1 År -
Samfunnsplanlegging og kulturforståelse - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Økonomi og administrasjon - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Samfunnssikkerhet - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Økonomi og administrasjon, siviløkonom - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Ledelse, innovasjon og marked - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Ergoterapi - bachelor
Varighet: 3 År -
Grunnskolelærerutdanning for 1.-7. trinn - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Grunnskolelærerutdanning for 5.-10. trinn - master
Varighet: 5 År -
Samfunnssikkerhet - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Kunst - bachelor
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Kunsthistorie - master
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Musikkutøving - bachelor
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Religionsvitenskap - årsstudium
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Russisk - årsstudium
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Samfunnsøkonomi med datavitenskap - bachelor
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Sosialantropologi - bachelor
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Organisasjonsdesign og ledelse - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Statsvitenskap - master
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Historie - master
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Kunsthistorie - bachelor
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Tysk - årsstudium
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Filosofi - bachelor
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Kvensk - årsstudium
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Barnehagelærer - bachelor
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Forfatterstudium 2 - årsstudium
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Sosialt arbeid - bachelor
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Bedriftsøkonomi - årsstudium
Varighet: 2 År -
Ledelse - årsstudium
Varighet: 2 År -
Sosialt arbeid - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Ledelse, innovasjon og marked - master
Varighet: 2 År -
Governance and Entrepreneurship in Northern and Indigenous Areas - master
Varighet: 4 År -
Praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning for trinn 8-13 - årsstudium (deltid)
Varighet: 2 År -
Internasjonal beredskap - bachelor (samlingsbasert)
Varighet: 3 År